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姓名 徐旭巒(Hsu-Luan Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 環境效應對固態氧化物燃料電池 接合件潛變性質之影響
(Environmental Effects on the Creep Properties of Joints in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell)
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摘要(中) 本研究目的在探討還原環境對於玻璃陶瓷接合劑和金屬連接板接合件的潛變性質與破壞模式之影響,所使用的玻璃陶瓷為核能研究所開發一款代號為GC-9的材質,金屬連接板則是使用代號為Crofer 22 H的商用肥粒鐵系不銹鋼。在800 °C的H2-7 vol% H2O還原環境下,對於接合件施予剪力及張力固定負載來進行潛變實驗,同時評估還原環境時效處理對接合件潛變性質的影響,並比較在還原環境與氧化環境下潛變性質的差異。

結果顯示,接合件試片於800 °C H2-7 vol% H2O氣氛下的剪力與張力潛變壽命會隨著負載減少而增加。剪力試片具1000小時壽命的潛變強度約為剪力接合件強度的18%,而張力試片具1000小時壽命的潛變強度則約為張力接合件強度的0.67%。兩個可能影響接合件抗潛變性質的原因為:(1) 潛變實驗過程中的即時熱處理,增加GC-9玻璃陶瓷基材中的結晶量,並提升接合件的抗潛變能力;(2) 隨著潛變時間增加,還原環境中的水會降低GC-9玻璃陶瓷基材中非結晶相的黏滯性,軟化接合件的結構。因此剪力與張力接合件試片的破裂位置,隨著潛變時間的增加,由破裂於GC-9玻璃陶瓷基材中,轉變為GC-9與氧化鉻(Cr2O3)的介面,最後變回破裂於GC-9中。


摘要(英) The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of reducing environment on the creep properties of a joint between a glass-ceramic sealant and an interconnect steel with no and 1000-h thermal aging in a reducing environment (H2-7 vol% H2O). The joint between glass-ceramic and metallic interconnect is subjected to an applied tensile or shear constant load in reducing environment at 800 °C during the creep test. The materials used are a GC-9 glass-ceramic sealant developed at the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (INER) and a commercial Crofer 22 H ferritic stainless steel. Comparison of the creep properties in oxidizing and reducing environments is also made for the non-aged joint.

The creep rupture time of Crofer 22 H/GC-9/Crofer 22 H joint is increased with a decrease in the applied constant shear and tensile loading at 800 °C regardless of thermal aging condition. The shear and tensile creep strength of non-aged joint at 1000 h in the given reducing atmosphere is about 18% and 0.67% of the average shear and tensile joint strength, respectively. For both non-aged tensile and shear specimens with a short creep rupture time less than 10 h, fracture mainly occurs within the GC-9 glass-ceramic. For a creep rupture time of 10-100 h, fracture site changes to the interface between the Cr2O3 layer and the GC-9 glass-ceramic. For a creep rupture time over 100 h, the GC-9 glass-ceramic layer is the major fracture site, again.

After 1000-h thermal aging in the given reducing environment, the shear and tensile creep strength at 1000 h in H2-7 vol% H2O of the aged joint is about 32% and 38%, respectively, of that without a thermal aging. Degradation of creep strength in the joint after a thermal aging is probably due to formation of micro-voids between crystalline and glassy phases during the cooling process. The creep resistance of the non-aged joint is significantly degraded when the testing environment is changed from oxidizing environment to reducing environment. As water in the given humidified hydrogen might relax joint structure, the creep resistance of joint in reducing environment becomes weaker than that in air regardless of loading mode.

關鍵字(中) ★ 固態氧化物燃料電池
★ 接合件
★ 潛變性質
關鍵字(英) ★ Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
★ Joints
★ Creep Properties





1.1 Solid Oxide Fuel Cell 1

1.2 Glass Sealant 2

1.3 Joint of Glass-Ceramic Sealant and Metallic Interconnect 5

1.4 Creep of Joint of Glass-Ceramic Sealant and Metallic Interconnect 9

1.5 Purposes 12


2.1 Materials and Specimen Preparation 14

2.2 Creep Test 15

2.2.1 Friction test 16

2.3 Microstructural Analysis 17


3.1 Non-aged Joint of Glass-Ceramic Sealant and Metallic Interconnect 19

3.1.1 Creep rupture behavior 19

3.1.2 Failure analysis 20

3.2 1000 h-aged Joint of Glass-Ceramic Sealant and Metallic 24

3.2.1 Creep rupture behavior 24

3.2.2 Failure analysis 25

3.3 Effects of Thermal Aging in Reducing Environment 25

3.4 Effects of Environment on Creep Rupture Behavior 29





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指導教授 林志光(Chih-kuang Lin) 審核日期 2015-8-26
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