博碩士論文 101521128 詳細資訊


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姓名 高維新(Wei-xin Kao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 氮化鎵場效電晶體之動態特性與表面處理研究
(Study of Dynamic Characteristics and Surface Treatments of GaN Field Effect Transistors)
★ 磷化銦異質接面雙極性電晶體元件製作與特性分析★ 氮化鎵藍紫光雷射二極體之製作與特性分析
★ 氮化銦鎵發光二極體之研製★ 氮化銦鎵藍紫光發光二極體的載子傳輸行為之研究
★ 次微米磷化銦/砷化銦鎵異質接面雙極性電晶體自我對準基極平台開發★ 以 I-Line 光學微影法製作次微米氮化鎵高電子遷移率電晶體之研究
★ 矽基氮化鎵高電子遷移率電晶體 通道層與緩衝層之成長與材料特性分析★ 磊晶成長氮化鎵高電子遷移率電晶體 結構 於矽基板過程晶圓翹曲之研析
★ 氮化鎵/氮化銦鎵多層量子井藍光二極體之研製及其光電特性之研究★ 砷化銦量子點異質結構與雷射
★ 氮化鋁鎵銦藍紫光雷射二極體研製與特性分析★ p型披覆層對量子井藍色發光二極體發光機制之影響
★ 磷化銦鎵/砷化鎵異質接面雙極性電晶體鈍化層穩定性與高頻特性之研究★ 氮化鋁中間層對氮化鋁鎵/氮化鎵異質接面場效電晶體之影響
★ 不同濃度矽摻雜之氮化鋁銦鎵位障層對紫外光發光二極體發光機制之影響★ 二元與四元位障層應用於氮化銦鎵綠光二極體之光性分析
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摘要(中) 減少能源消耗是現今的一大課題,在電子電路中,功率元件所消耗的能量居整體大宗,因此,研發氮化鎵功率元件取代矽製功率元件在電源、馬達驅動、不斷電系統、功率因子校正等處的角色、達到減少功率消耗是當務之急。而對於應用在開關電路的氮化鎵功率電晶體,動態電阻是尚未被完全釐清的問題。
摘要(英) Reducing energy consumption is a major issue today. In the electronic circuits, most of the energy is consumed by power devices. Therefore, to replace silicon power devices by GaN power devices is a priority in the power systems, electric vehicles, UPS systems, power factor correction, etc. For GaN MIS-HEMTs applied in switching circuits, the mechanism of dynamic on-resistance is a problem not yet been fully clarified.
Dynamic on-resistance prompted by the charges trapped by defects so that the conduction current decreases. In this study, GaN-on-Si HEMT wafer was used and Al0.26Ga0.74N/GaN HEMTs and MIS-HEMTs was fabricated. In order to identify the impact of the dynamic characteristics of factors, where the MIS-HEMTs designed different interface treatments of processing: (i) untreated, (ii) in-situ hydrogen/argon plasma treatment, (iii) aqueous hydrochloric acid solution, and (iv) after an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid with in-situ hydrogen/argon plasma treatment. No correlation was found between results of dynamic on-resistance and hysteresis or interface state density, which means existing other factors. level
For analyzing the recovery of drain current after stress, different bias conditions and stress time was applied. It was found that under the same bias conditions, a longer stress time causes a longer emission time constant. This suggests that the trapped charges located far from 2DEG or electrode undergo repeated emission and trapping in recovery which increases the emission time constant. In the backgating measurement, when the negative bias is applied on substrate, a greater negative bias makes more electrons trapped near to 2DEG, therefore a shorter emission time constant was observed. The number of trapped charges under zero bias condition could change the trend of recovery of drain current seriously. According to the results, the location of trapped charges should be considered to be one of the most important factor to influence recovery curve of drain current. Based on this conclusion, the analysis of dynamic on-resistance and then the design of epitaxy or device process could be improved.
關鍵字(中) ★ 氮化鎵
★ 電流回復
關鍵字(英) ★ GaN
★ current recovery
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 氮化鎵材料特性 2
1.2.1 矽、碳化矽、氮化鎵特性比較 2
1.2.2 氮化鎵材料中的自發與壓電極化 3
1.3 應用於開關電路中的氮化鎵功率元件研發現況 6
1.4 研究動機與論文架構 8
第二章 氮化鋁鎵/氮化鎵HEMTs與MIS-HEMTs 9
2.1 前言 9
2.2 磊晶片結構與霍爾特性 9
2.3 HEMTs與MIS-HEMTs元件製作流程 10
2.3.1 定義主動區 10
2.3.2 歐姆電極製作 10
2.3.3 界面處理 10
2.3.4 絕緣層沉積(對於MIS-HEMTs) 12
2.3.5 蝕刻電極窗口(對於MIS-HEMTs) 12
2.3.6 閘極與墊層金屬沉積 12
2.3.7 熱退火(MIS-HEMTs, Al2O3) 12
2.4 氮化鋁鎵/氮化鎵HEMTs 特性分析 15
2.4.1 HEMTs 的導通電阻分析 15
2.4.2 HEMTs崩潰特性分析 16
2.5 氮化鋁鎵/氮化鎵MIS-HEMTs 特性分析 17
2.5.1 ID-VG曲線分析 17
2.5.2 MIS電容分析 20
2.5.3 MIS-HEMTs崩潰特性分析 24
2.6 本章總結 25
2.6.1 氮化鋁鎵/氮化鎵HEMTs 25
2.6.2 氮化鋁鎵/氮化鎵MIS-HEMTs 25
第三章 不同界面處理的氮化鋁鎵/氮化鎵MIS-HEMTs 26
3.1 氮化鎵表面處理的必要性 26
3.2 介電質/氮化鎵界面處理原理與實驗設計 27
3.2.1 有機溶液與鹽酸水溶液處理 27
3.2.2 臨場電漿處理 27
3.2.3 氮化鎵表面處理實驗設計 29
3.3 經臨場氫氣/氬氣電漿處理的MIS-HEMTs 電性分析 29
3.3.1 ID-VG(臨場氫氣/氬氣電漿處理) 29
3.3.2 MIS電容(臨場氫氣/氬氣電漿處理) 31
3.3.3 崩潰曲線(臨場氫氣/氬氣電漿處理) 32
3.4 經鹽酸水溶液處理的MIS-HEMTs 電性分析 33
3.4.1 ID-VG(鹽酸水溶液處理) 33
3.4.2 MIS電容(鹽酸水溶液處理) 35
3.4.3 崩潰曲線(鹽酸水溶液處理) 36
3.5 MIS-HEMTs 動態特性分析 37
3.6 本章總結 39

第四章 氮化鋁鎵/氮化鎵HEMTs的動態特性分析 40
4.1 HEMTs動態電阻分析 40
4.1.1 HEMTs動態電阻量測結果 40
4.1.2 變動的缺陷脫離時間常數 42
4.1.3 電子陷捕、脫離機制與缺陷在磊晶結構中的位置 45
4.2 不同偏壓條件的電流回復分析 48
4.2.1 短脫離時間常數與電子陷捕位置 48
4.2.2 改變空乏區範圍對陷捕電子的影響 55
4.2.3 背閘極量測(基板施加負偏壓) 60
4.2.4 背閘極量測(基板施加正偏壓) 67
4.3 本章總結 73
第五章 結論與未來展望 74
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指導教授 綦振瀛(Jen-inn Chyi) 審核日期 2016-1-26
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