摘要(英) |
This study applied service blueprinting approach to conduct an in-depth service process analysis using Japanese TENSO.com’s cross-border logistic service and Alibaba Cainiao Network’s cross-strait logistic service as sample cases to help understand the reasons of service failure in the cross-border e-commerce logistics services. Based on the industry-related expert’s opinion and literature review, this study used Hazard Vulnerability Assessment (HVA) and found six nodes with total of twenty six factors affecting service system fragility.
Result of this study indicates that the most influential node in the system is stability of cargo entry. While prohibit goods, customs inspection, and customs seizure of goods are the most vulnerable factors. In order to reach the goal of reduce supply chain risk and stabilize the service system, manager should held regular meeting with all members in the logistic service supply chain to understand relevant policies, legislations, institutions, tax policy and other environmental factors at the beginning of cross-border logistic services.
Finally, this study presents academic implications for future research. |
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