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姓名 江婉瑜(Wan-Yu Jiang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 公平偏好下製造商品牌與零售商自有品牌之競爭問題
(The Competition between National Brand and Private Label under Fairness Concerns)
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摘要(中) 一般廣為人知的供應鏈成員行為是完全理性的,意指成員重視的是自己的利益,在進行決策時,以個人利益最大化為宗旨。但近幾十年來,在行為經濟學上已對自利行為的論點做了修正,認為人不單純是自利,也具有社會偏好,而這當中涵蓋了公平性考量,即決策者除了在乎個人最大收益,亦關心分配上的公平。此議題也逐漸在供應鏈上被重視,顯然公平關切不僅發生在個體行為上,在商業行為上也是有跡可循的。
本研究環境為二元供應鏈,首先假設決策者為理性且自利的,起初市場上僅有一製造商品牌(NB),為推式生產,供應商占有領導的地位,但是當零售商的影響力夠大,便會創立自有品牌(PL),但由於零售商無法自行生產商品,於是由供應商代為製造。此時假設通路中的單一製造商負責生產自己的品牌(NB),以及零售商的品牌(PL),兩種產品由一零售商統一販售,其中NB 為推式生產,而PL為拉式生產,將這兩種生產系統融合至一個通路結構中,需求模型服從三項分布函數,研究兩產品的競爭問題。由於自有品牌加入市場,我們假設供應商具有公平性考量,即供應商不僅考慮自身獲利極大,並在乎利益分配問題,探討是否會對決策結果造成影響,最後比較具公平性考量決策者和在傳統供應鏈收益的表現差異。
摘要(英) Traditional studies assumed that the channel members are rational and are acting in personal advantage. For example, the shopkeepers are hoping to earn as much money as possible, the suppliers trying to bump the price of raw material, or the customer searching for the product at such low price. In recent decades, extensive research has shown that people not entirely act of considering the benefit to themselves, they also paid attention to the fairness.
Our studies focus on the competitive problem of a dyadic supply chain. This means there are one supplier and one retailer in our model. Supplier produces two products, one is her national brand (NB) and the other is a retailer’s private label (PL). These two products only are sold in retailer’s store. The model structure combines the push system (NB) and pull system (PL) then we try to focus on the decision making and the competitive relationship among two products. First, we assume consumers are rational and are acting in personal benefit. By using the trinomial distribution demand function to check how our model works. Second, we will introduce fairness to the model and find out the impact on decision making. On the last section, we compared the outcome of decision making between the rational player and the fairness concern player in our supply chain structure.
關鍵字(中) ★ 公平性
★ 自有品牌
★ 供應鏈
★ 推式與拉式系統
關鍵字(英) ★ Fairness
★ Private label
★ Supply chain
★ Push and Pull System
論文目次 論文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Contents iii
List of Figures iv
List of Tables v
Chapter 1.Introduction 1
Chapter 2.Literature Review 3
2.1.The study of fairness 3
2.2.The study of private label 4
2.3. Pull and push system 5
Chapter 3.Model and Problem Formulation 7
3.1.The model of national brand 7
3.2.The model of private label 9
3.3.Combined model (national brand and private label) 9
3.4.The model with fairness concern 13
Chapter 4.Numerical Example 15
4.1.The example of national brand 15
4.2.The example of combined model 16
4.2.1.Maximizing retailer’s profit in PL 16
4.2.2.Maximizing retailer’s profit in PL and NB 17
4.3.The example of the combined model with fairness concern 18
4.3.1.Maximizing retailer’s profit in PL 18
4.3.2.Maximizing retailer’s profit in PL and NB 19
Chapter 5.Sensitivity analysis 21
5.1.The sensitivity analysis on α 21
5.2.The sensitivity analysis on μ 23
Chapter 6.Conclusion 25
Reference 27
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指導教授 曾富祥 審核日期 2018-6-29
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