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姓名 艾絲雅(Elsya Dhana Alfira)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 群集與產品多樣性對於賣家決策之影響
(The Impact of Clustering and Product Variety on Seller′s Decision)
★ 二階段作業研究模式於立體化設施規劃應用之探討–以半導體製造廠X及Y公司為例★ 推行TPM活動以改善設備總合效率並提昇 企業競爭力...以U公司桃園工廠為例
★ 資訊系統整合業者行銷通路策略之研究★ 以決策樹法歸納關鍵製程暨以群集法識別關鍵路徑
★ 關鍵績效指標(KPI)之建立與推行 - 在造紙業★ 應用實驗計劃法- 提昇IC載板錫球斷面品質最佳化之研究
★ 如何從歷史鑽孔Cp值導出新設計規則進而達到兼顧品質與降低生產成本目標★ 產品資料管理系統建立及導入-以半導體IC封裝廠C公司為例
★ 企業由設計代工轉型為自有品牌之營運管理★ 運用六標準差步驟與FMEA於塑膠射出成型之冷料改善研究(以S公司為例)
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★ 設計鏈績效衡量指標建立 —以電動巴士產業A公司為例★ 應用資料探勘尋找影響太陽能模組製程良率之因子研究
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摘要(中) 當賣家想要在市場上開一家新店時,他必須做幾件決定支持他的企業,為了盡可能賺取高利潤而必須決定他的商店位置,以及產品多樣性在我們的日常生活中,我們通常會看到同一地區的一群銷售者出售相似產品。通常,消費者更喜歡去有多家店舖的地區而不是只提供一家特定商店的地區,因為商店與商店的位置靠近,因此不需要招致大量的搜索成本。在每家商店內,賣家會決定銷售多少種產品,一些消費者非常喜歡看到多種產品選擇,而一些消費者可能會在選擇產品時感到困惑。為了解決賣方的決定問題,我們開發消費者的模型盈餘找到最佳的位置和產品數量以提供最大的利潤。我們使用該模型來分析與群集相關的各種情況以及產品多樣性效應。基於特定的參數設置,結果表明集群效應可以增加消費者的剩餘,使賣方更喜歡在現有商店旁邊開店以獲得更多消費者。同時產品多樣性,結果表明存在一範圍的最優解決方案,意味著提供太多產品種類對賣方無益,另一方面若提供過少產品種類會使商店對消費者購買的吸引力下降。
摘要(英) When seller wants to open a new store in the market, he has to make several decisions to support his business, some of the important decisions are the position of his store and the number of product variety he wants to offer in order to earn profit as high as possible. In our everyday life, we commonly see a group of seller who sell the similar product in the same area. Usually, consumers are prefer to go to those kinds of area rather than the area that only provide one particular store because they don’t have to incur a lot of search costs since the location of the stores are close to each other. Within each stores, the seller will decide how many products to be sold. Some consumers are very fond of seeing several options of the products, while some of them might find it confusing to pick one among those options. To address those phenomenon related to the seller’s decision, we develop a model of consumer’s
surplus to find the optimal location and number of product to offer which will give maximal profit. We use the model to analyze various cases related to the cluster and product variety effects. Based on the particular selected parameter settings, the result shows that cluster effect can increase consumer’s surplus such that the seller prefer to open the store next to the existing store to gain more consumers. While for the product variety, the result shows that there is a range of the optimal solution which implies that offering too many products will harm the seller while offering too few products will make the store less attractive for the consumers to make a purchase.
關鍵字(中) ★ 集群效應
★ 產品多樣性
★ 消費者行為
關鍵字(英) ★ Cluster effect
★ Product variety
★ Consumer’s behavior
論文目次 Abstract ........................................................................................................................... i
Contents ......................................................................................................................... ii
List of Table .................................................................................................................. iv
List of Figure.................................................................................................................. v
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background and Motivation ..............................................................................1
1.2 Research objectives ............................................................................................3
Chapter 2 Literature Review .......................................................................................... 5
2.1 Consumer’s behavior .........................................................................................5
2.2 Hotelling Model .................................................................................................7
2.3 Cluster Effects ....................................................................................................9
2.4 Product Variety Effects .................................................................................... 11
Chapter 3 Model .......................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Hotelling Linear Model ....................................................................................16
3.2 Cluster Effect Model ........................................................................................17
3.3 Variety Effect Model ........................................................................................18
3.4 Combined Model .............................................................................................19
Chapter 4 Numerical Example ..................................................................................... 21
4.1 Example of Hotelling Linear Model ................................................................22
4.2 Example of Cluster Effect Model ....................................................................24
4.3 Example of Variety Effect Model ....................................................................25
4.4 Example of Combined Model ..........................................................................27
Chapter 5 Sensitivity Analysis ..................................................................................... 29
5.1 Sensitivity Analysis on ? ................................................................................29
5.2 Sensitivity Analysis on ? .................................................................................32
5.3 Sensitivity Analysis on ?................................................................................35
Chapter 6 Analytical Result ......................................................................................... 38
6.1 Analytical Results on Variety Effect Model ....................................................39
6.2 Analytical Results on Combined Model ..........................................................43
6.3 Numerical Example of the Analytical Results .................................................46
Chapter 7 Summary ..................................................................................................... 48
References .................................................................................................................... 50
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指導教授 曾富祥 審核日期 2018-7-4
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