博碩士論文 104426006 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳瑋(Wei Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 合併控制變量於具限制式之完全連續選擇程序
(Applying Fully Sequential Procedures for Comparing Constrained Systems with Control Variate)
★ 應用失效模式效應分析於產品研發時程之改善★ 服務品質因子與客戶滿意度關係研究-以汽車保修廠服務為例
★ 家庭購車決策與行銷策略之研究★ 計程車車隊派遣作業之研究
★ 電業服務品質與服務失誤之探討-以台電桃園區營業處為例★ 應用資料探勘探討筆記型電腦異常零件-以A公司為例
★ 車用配件開發及車主購買意願探討(以C公司汽車配件業務為實例)★ 應用田口式實驗法於先進高強度鋼板阻抗熔接條件最佳化研究
★ 以層級分析法探討評選第三方物流服務要素之研究-以日系在台廠商為例★ 變動良率下的最佳化批量研究
★ 供應商庫存管理架構下運用層級分析法探討供應商評選之研究-以某電子代工廠為例★ 台灣地區快速流通消費產品銷售預測模型分析研究–以聯華食品可樂果為例
★ 競爭優勢與顧客滿意度分析以中華汽車為例★ 綠色採購導入對電子代工廠的影響-以A公司為例
★ 以德菲法及層級分析法探討軌道運輸業之供應商評選研究–以T公司為例★ 應用模擬系統改善存貨管理制度與服務水準之研究-以電線電纜製造業為例
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摘要(中) 排序與選擇程序(Ranking and Selection Procedure; R&S)是從許多不同的模擬系統中,找出績效表現最佳或近似最佳系統的模擬最佳化方法,且可使實驗者獲得結果的同時對其具一定信心水準。以往的排序與選擇程序的方法主要追求隨機目標最佳化,考量隨機限制式問題的研究不多。因此,Andradottir 和Kim (2010)發展可行性檢查程序(Feasibility Checking Procedure; FCP),在統計的理論基礎上,找出滿足隨機限制式的可行或接近可行的系統。然而,假若模擬系統或隨機限制式數量過多,且績效輸出值變異程度過大,將導致抽樣成本及運算時間提高,也影響程序執行速度。因此透過變異縮減技術中的控制變量(Control Variate; CV),利用與輸出值相關之輔助變數修正輸出估計量,使其變異下降以解決上述問題。
本研究以等候線理論架構模擬系統,對具有隨機目標函數與單一隨機限制式的系統選擇問題,應用控制變量將所得之替代估計量應用於完全連續選擇之排序與選擇程序,並與Andradottir 和Kim (2010)提出的方法比較,減少了為滿足所求知最佳目標與限制條件對模擬系統需要的抽樣工作量,同時保證所解正確性的信心水準。
摘要(英) Ranking and Selection (R&S) is a kind of stochastic simulation for finding the system with best or near-best performance from among a finite number of alternatives. It also allows the experimenters to obtain results with a certain level of confidence. However, because of managerial or physical limits, sometimes we will face constraints on other performances. Therefore, Andradottir and Kim (2010) developed a Feasibility checking procedure (FCP) to find feasible or near-feasible systems which satisfied the stochastic constraints based on statistical theory. Nevertheless, the procedure can be inefficient when the number of candidate systems or the variances of sampling performances outputs are large.
In this paper, we propose a new R&S procedure, combine the variance reduction techniques of Control variates (CV) with the FDP procedure. We provide a queuing example to compare our procedure with previous ones. In our procedure, we use a set of random variables that are correlated with the outputs of interest, whose means are known to the user, to replace the origin output. Since it can reduce the variance of the estimator for original, the new procedure is expected to be more efficient than other competitors in the sense that fewer observations and less computer time are needed to find the best system which under the constraints.
關鍵字(中) ★ 模擬
★ 比較系統
★ 連續選取程序
★ 控制變量
★ 限制條件
關鍵字(英) ★ Simulation
★ Comparing systems
★ Fully sequential selecting procedures
★ Control Variate
★ Constrained systems
論文目次 摘要 ............................................................................................................................................. i
Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... ii
圖目錄 ........................................................................................................................................ v
表目錄 ....................................................................................................................................... vi
第一章 緒論 .............................................................................................................................. 1
1-1 研究背景 ..................................................................................................................... 1
1-2 研究動機 ..................................................................................................................... 2
1-3 研究目的 ..................................................................................................................... 4
1-4 研究架構 ..................................................................................................................... 5
第二章 文獻探討 ...................................................................................................................... 7
2-1 排序與選擇程序(Ranking and Selection Procedure; R&S) ....................................... 7
2-1-1 單一階段之排序與選擇程序(Single Stage R&S Procedure) ......................... 8
2-1-2 兩階段之排序與選擇程序(Two-stages R&S Procedure) ............................... 9
2-1-3 連續型多階段之排序與選擇程序(Fully Sequential R&S Procedure) ........... 9
2-2 排序與選擇的分支 ................................................................................................... 12
2-2-1 具限制式之R&S (R&S Procedure with Constraints) .................................. 12
2-2-2 變異縮減技術於R&S (Variance Reduction Technique on R&S) ................. 15
第三章 問題描述與研究方法 ................................................................................................ 19
3-1 共同隨機亂數 ............................................................................................................ 19
3-2 控制變量 .................................................................................................................... 19
3-3 合併控制變異於具單一限制式之排序與選擇程序 ................................................ 21
第四章 實驗情境與結果 ........................................................................................................ 27
4-1 實驗模型建構 ........................................................................................................... 27
4-2 實驗參數設定 ........................................................................................................... 29
4-3 分析與討論實驗結果 ................................................................................................ 32
第五章 結論 ............................................................................................................................ 38
5-1 結論 ............................................................................................................................ 38
5-2 未來方向 .................................................................................................................... 39
參考文獻 .................................................................................................................................. 40
附錄 .......................................................................................................................................... 43
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指導教授 葉英傑 審核日期 2018-7-20
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