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姓名 林志佳(Chih-Chia Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 近似求解機台可用區間限制求最小化總完工時間之平行機台排程問題
(Approximation of Identical Parallel Machine Scheduling with Machine Availability Constraint to Minimize Total Completion Time)
★ 以類神經網路探討晶圓測試良率預測與重測指標值之建立★ 六標準突破性策略—企業管理議題
★ 限制驅導式在製罐產業生產管理之應用研究★ 應用倒傳遞類神經網路於TFT-LCD G4.5代Cell廠不良問題與解決方法之研究
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摘要(中) 在此研究中,我們探討n個不可被分割的工作以及m個平行機台的排程問題,針對每個機台具有不同數量的可用時間間隔限制的狀況,考慮最小化總完工時間。在多數的排程問題都沒有考慮可用時間間隔的限制,然而在實際情形上這種情形十分地常見,例如在製造業中,機台不可能一直處於運轉的狀態,會針對機台進行例行停機維護,以提升機台在生產時的良率及壽命。
摘要(英) In this research, we discuss a scheduling problem including n non-preemptive jobs and m identical parallel machines with availability constraints. Our objective is minimizing the total completion time. . Most scheduling problems assume machines will work continuously, but in fact the situation is not always possible. So we consider the situation that each machine has its own available intervals For example, in the manufacturing industry, machines cannot always be in an operating state. Workers will stop the machines for a preventive maintenance period. It can keep the machines status stable and increase the yield of productions and the service life of the machines.
To find out the approximation solution for our problem, we first develop a dynamic programming algorithm. We adopt the proposed schemes of Tsou.(2017) and Chen.(2016) which is/are based on the idea of scheduling. We used three propositions to eliminate the possibility which cannot lead to the optimal solutions. These propositions are compared by the starting time and the number of jobs which are assigned in the available intervals filled up with jobs. Finally, we compare our dynamic programming with the branch and bound algorithm proposed from Tsou(2017).
關鍵字(中) ★ 平行機台
★ 可用時間限制
★ 總完工時間
★ 近似解
★ 動態規劃
關鍵字(英) ★ Parallel Machine
★ Availability Constraint
★ Total Completion Time
★ Approximate Solution
★ Dynamic Programming
論文目次 Abstract i
摘要 ii
Table of Content iii
List of Figures v
List of Tables vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and motivation 1
1.2 Problem definition 3
1.3 Research objectives 4
1.4 Research methodology 4
1.5 Research framework 6
Chapter 2 Literature Review 7
2.1 One unavailable interval in a machine 7
2.2 Arbitrary number of unavailable interval in a machine 8
2.3 Approximation of Identical Parallel Machine Scheduling 9
Chapter 3 Methodology 10
3.1 Notation 10
3.2 Trimming the state in the dynamic programming 11
3.3 Degree Vector 14
3.4 Relation between state and ?-box 16
3.5 Propositions 18
3.6 Bounding scheme 20
3.6.1 Lower bound 21
3.7 Dynamic programming algorithm 22
3.8 Time Complexity 25
Chapter 4 Computational Analysis 26
4.1 Instance Generation 26
4.2 Validation of the dynamic programming algorithm 27
4.3 Performance of the trimming dynamic programming algorithm 29
4.3.1 Percentage of states eliminated between different error bounds 29
4.3.2 The percentage and number of trimming states with and without proposition and bounding 30
4.3.3 Maximum size of jobs and machines 33
4.4 Compare with the result by Tsou (2017) 39
Chapter 5 Conclusion 40
5.1 Research contribution 40
5.2 Research limitation 41
5.3 Future Research 41
Reference 42
參考文獻 Reference
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指導教授 沈國基(Gwo-Ji Sheen) 審核日期 2018-8-10
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