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姓名 阮美心(NGUYEN THI MY HANH)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 使用空間模型方法進行再製造的訂價策略
(Pricing strategy in remanufacturing using a spatial model approach)
★ 應用灰色理論於有機農產品之經營管理— 需求預測及關鍵成功因素探討★ NAND型Flash價格與交運量預測在風險分析下之決策模式
★ 工業電腦用無鉛晶片組最適存貨政策之研究-以A公司為例★ 砷化鎵代工廠磊晶之最適存貨管理-以W公司為例
★ 資訊分享&決策制定下產銷協同關係之研究 -以IC設計業為例★ 應用分析層級法於電子化學品業委外供應商評選準則之研究
★ 應用資料探勘於汽車售服零件庫存滯銷因素分析-以C公司為例★ 多目標規劃最佳六標準差水準: 以薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器C公司製造流程為例
★ 以資料探勘技術進行消費者返廠定期保養之實證研究★ 以價值鏈觀點探討品牌公司關鍵組織流程之取決-以S公司為例
★ 應用產銷協同規劃之流程改善於化纖產業-現況改善與效益分析★ 權力模式與合作關係對於報價策略之影響研究—以半導體產業A公司為例
★ 應用資料探勘於汽車製造業之庫存原因分析★ 以類神經網路預測代工費報價---以中小面板產業C公司為例
★ 電路板產業存貨改善研究-以N公司為例★ 運用六標準差改善機台備用零件(Spare parts)存貨管理
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摘要(中) 本研究利用Salop 空間模型分析OEM廠商(原始設備製造商)及IR廠商(獨立
摘要(英) This study uses the Salop spatial model to analyze the profit of OEM (Original Equipment
Manufacturer) and IR (Independent Remanufacturer) and helps OEM decide if they should
produce remanufactured products or leave the remanufacturing market for IR and only produce
new products.
Moreover, either OEM participates in remanufacturing market or not, OEM should decide
at which level of reusability of new products, they could attract more customers as well as
maximize their own profit. In addition, the study proposes strategic prices for OEM-new
products, OEM-remanufactured products, and IR-remanufactured products. The research also
suggests strategic decisions whether or not the OEM should remanufacture similar products to
remanufactured products made by IR.
Our research findings include: (i) Offering remanufactured products may not always
improve OEM’s profit, the decision of participating in the remanufacturing market depends
critically on the costs of remanufacturing and costs of manufacturing new products. (ii) The
optimal price of new products when OEM does not offer remanufactured products is always
lower than the optimal price of new products when OEM offers both new and remanufactured
products. When OEM participates in remanufacturing market, OEM can sell new and
remanufactured products at higher prices when it offers similar remanufactured products as IR
than when it provides different remanufactured goods from IR’s remanufactured goods. (iii)
The price strategies and optimal level of customization depend on the reusable rate.
關鍵字(中) ★ 再製造
★ 客製化
★ 重複利用
★ Salop 空間模型
★ 閉鎖式供應鏈
關鍵字(英) ★ Remanufacturing
★ customization
★ similarity
★ reusability
★ Salop spatial model,
★ closed-loop supply chain
論文目次 摘要 ........................................................................................................................................i
Table of Contents..................................................................................................................iv
List of Figures.......................................................................................................................vi
List of Tables.......................................................................................................................viii
Chapter 1: Introduction..........................................................................................................1
1-1 Research background ............................................................................................1
1-2 Research motivation..............................................................................................1
1-3 Research objectives...............................................................................................2
1-4 Research framework..............................................................................................3
Chapter 2: Review of related literature and studies...............................................................4
2-1 Closed-loop supply chains with remanufacturing.................................................4
2-2 Salop’s circle model & similarity..........................................................................6
2-3 Reusability...........................................................................................................10
Chapter 3: Model ................................................................................................................. 11
3-1 The problem overview ........................................................................................ 11
3-2 The model overview............................................................................................14
3-2-1 Scenario 1: OEM only produces new products...................................................14
3-2-2 Scenario 2: OEM with same remanufactured products as IR’s ..........................20
3-2-3 Scenario 3: OEM with different remanufactured products from IR’s.................24
Chapter 4: Numerical study .................................................................................................29
4-1 The base case.......................................................................................................29
4-2 The factorial design.............................................................................................32
4-3 Extension with product customization ................................................................38
Chapter 5: Conclusion and future gap .................................................................................45
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指導教授 陳振明(Jen-Ming Chen) 審核日期 2019-1-8
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