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姓名 李穎琪(Ying-Chi Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 節省法為基礎之分支定界法以決定機器合適度區間之零工式批量排程問題
(A Saving Method-based Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Machine Eligibility Period Determination Problem on Job Shop Batch Processing)
★ 以類神經網路探討晶圓測試良率預測與重測指標值之建立★ 六標準突破性策略—企業管理議題
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摘要(中) 本文主要探討節省法為基礎之分支定界法以決定機器合適度區間之零工式批量排程問題。此論文將環境以三種相關的單位作探討,由單位小到大分別為Operation、Batch、Period。Operation為每個工件在指定機台的操作。將Operation依工件大小總和、工件族等特性依特定規則組合並同時送進機台加工稱為Batch。Period為機台此次添加物料至下一次添加物料的時間段,Period會根據物料消耗的多寡決定服務多少Batch。
我們提出一個分支定界演算法去尋找這個問題的佳解。將利用Proposition以job size及release time計算各種Operation組合的節省面積。每個節點都會計算input operation及output operation的節省面積後得到多個batch,並在input batches及output batches中各選出一個指派到加工順序中成為一個節點,將所有指派可能舉出後便完成分支。
本論文依照環境設計出分離圖,分離圖上的分離弧線會依照節點的排程狀況更動,當找到起源點至終節點的最長路徑可得此節點的lower bound。得到可行解之節點的最長路徑並同Upper bound比較,可得目前已知最佳解。
摘要(英) This thesis is mainly designed with a saving method-based branch-and-bound algorithm for machine eligibility period determination problem on job shop batch processing. We discuss the environment in terms of Operation, Batch and Period. Operation is the processing of each job on the designated machine. Combining Operations according to the characteristics of sum of job size, family, etc., combined with specific rules and processed by the machine at the same time is called Batch. Period is the time interval from when the machine starts adding materials to the next time when materials are added. The amount of materials consumed determines how many batches are served by one period.
We propose a branch and bound algorithm to find an excellent solution. Proposition will be used to calculate the area savings of multiple operation combinations with job size and release time. Each node will calculate the saving area of input operations and output operations to get batch. Select one of the input batches and output batches and assign them to the processing sequence to become a node. After all possible assignments are listed, the branch is completed.
This thesis designs a disjunctive graph according to the problem, and the disjunctive arc on the disjunctive graph will change according to the scheduling status of the node. The longest path from the start point to the end point can get the lower bound of this node. Comparing the longest path of the feasible solution with the upper bound, we can see that the final solution has been obtained.
Finally, we verify that the saving method has a good performance on material consumption and finding batch combinations. It is found that the saving method can reduce the enumeration number of the batch. The longest path of the disjunctive graph also significantly increases the number of cut branches. Therefore, it is proved that this algorithm can quickly and effectively find feasible solutions with excellent performance in this environment.
關鍵字(中) ★ 零工式生產
★ 存活時間限制
★ 批量
★ 分支定界
★ 排程
★ 最晚完工時間
關鍵字(英) ★ Job Shop
★ Remaining life time
★ Batch
★ Branch and Bound
★ Scheduling
★ Material
論文目次 Contents iii
List of Figures v
List of Tables vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Problem Description 2
1.2.1 Batch 2
1.2.2 Material Restrictions 3
1.3 Research Objectives 4
1.4 Research Methodology 4
1.5 Research Framework 5
Chapter 2 Literature Review 6
2.1 Job-Shop Scheduling 6
2.2 Disjunctive Graph 7
2.3 Batch 8
2.4 Time Lags 10
Chapter 3 Branch-and-Bound 12
3.1 Notations 13
3.2 Disjunctive Graph 15
3.3 Proposition 18
3.3.1 Lower Bound 19
3.3.2 Batch 20
3.3.3 The Characteristic of Machine 23
3.3.4 Computing E and S 25
3.3.5 Input and Output Determination 27
3.3.6 Material Consumption 29
3.4 Branch Scheme 29
3.5 Branch and Bound Algorithm 33
3.5.1 Branch and Bound 33
3.5.2 Find the Set of Batches 35
3.5.3 Fixing an Input Batch to Yield a Lower Bound 36
3.5.4 Fixing an Output Batch to Yield a Lower Bound 37
3.5.5 Establishing for Makespan 38
3.5.6 Create a Child Node β 39
Chapter 4 Computational Analysis 41
4.1 Test Problem Generation 41
4.2 Validation of the Branch and Bound Algorithm 42
4.3 Test Problem Efficient 44
Chapter 5 Conclusion 47
5.1 Research Contribution 47
5.2 Research Limitation 47
5.3 Future Research 48
Reference 49
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指導教授 沈國基(Gwo-Ji Sheen) 審核日期 2020-8-18
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