摘要(英) |
In recent years, with the development of the IoT(Internet of Things) and deep learning, artificial intelligence has been applied in more places. The appearance of smart speakers has changed consumers’ habits and enabled them to directly give verbal instructions. This trend also shows that the future of home appliances will tend to use voice input commands, but most home appliances do not operate like the personal computer has an operating system to allocate computing resources, is organized by multiple micro- controllers to repeatedly perform functions. To control the microcontroller with voice commands, it is necessary to run a wake-up word recognition system on the micro- controller.
In this thesis, we uses Depth-wise Separable Convolution to implement the wake word recognition model. Using Depth-wise Separable Convolution can greatly reduce the parameters, which is very helpful for microcontrollers with limited memory and computing. This system will first convert the voice data into features through MFCC, and then use neural network training to learn the types of wake-up words and identify whether the features contain wake-up words. |
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