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姓名 陳鈞澤(Jiun-Tze Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣科學學系
論文名稱 利用IBM_VDRAS分析TASSE實驗期間劇烈午後雷暴降水事件:2019年7月22日個案分析
(IBM_VDRAS analysis of a severe afternoon thunderstorm event during TAipei Summer Storm Experiment (TASSE) on 22 July 2019)
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摘要(中) 2019年TASSE於6、7月展開,其中2019年7月22日午後雷暴事件,造成台北都會區淹水,降雨中心在大安森林公園測站,最大降水時雨量接近200 mmhr^(-1),本研究利用IBM_VDRAS(Variational Doppler Radar Analysis System based on immersed boundary method)系統、中央氣象局測站以及台灣大學storm tracker觀測資料對此個案進行分析。
本研究亦利用IBM_VDRAS分析場計算發展、成熟、消散階段時,此午後雷暴個案在視熱源(Q1)以及視水氣匯(Q2)的垂直分佈,結果顯示Q1呈單峰結構,在成熟期最大加熱高度約在5km(575mb) 左右,大小約在3~4(_^o)C/hr,Q2在成熟期呈現雙峰結構,底層最大乾化高度約在1.75km(824mb),大小約在4(_^o)C/hr,上層最大乾化高度約在5.25km(540mb)左右,大小在3~4(_^o)C/hr。
摘要(英) During the TASSE(Taipei Summer Storm Experiment), a severe afternoon thunderstorm developed within Taipei basin on 22 July 2019, which produced intense rainfall in Daan Forest Park(max rainfall rate ~ 200mm hr-1) and caused urban-scale flooding. This study utilized IBM_VDRAS (Variational Doppler Radar Analysis System based on immersed boundary method), radar data, CWB weather station data and stormtracker data to analysis this case
At initial stage, sea breeze brought moist air into inland, and caused convection initiation at mountain region of Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu. At developing stage, The environment was suitable for main convection developing because 1).Taipei basin was surrounded by scattered convection, the outflow of these convection converged with sea breeze and terrain, 2).sufficient mid-level water vapor and conditional unstable environment. At mature stage, the main convection initiated at center of Taipei basin and produced over 100mm accumulated precipitation within one hour, cell merge happened at this stage and increased the vertical velocity, extended the lifetime of this main convection, also caused a severe flooding in Daan Forest Park and its adjacent areas. At dissipation stage, land breeze happened, the divergence filed of Taipei basin center transformed from convergence to divergence, and new initiated convection propagated from Taipei basin to Taoyuan and Hsinchu.
This study also took advantage of IBM_VDRAS three-dimensional analysis to calculate the developing, mature and dissipation stage Q1, Q2 vertical profile, which could analyze the relationship between this afternoon thunderstorm case and environment. The result showed that Q1 had one peak pattern with max heating layer about 5km(575mb) on mature stage, Q2 had double peak pattern with low level max drying layer about 1.75km(824mb) and high level max drying layer about 5.25km(540mb) .
From the result we mentioned, by assimilating radar data, IBM_VDRAS is a very powerful ,useful system which can retrieve analysis well, and can help us to analyze the process of cell propagation , cell merge and other parameter quantitatively .
關鍵字(中) ★ 午後對流
★ 胞合併
★ 資料同化
關鍵字(英) ★ Afternoon thunderstorm
★ Cell merge
★ Data assimilation
論文目次 摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1. 午後雷暴 1
1-2. 資料同化 2
1-3. 研究動機與目標 3
2-3. GCIBM 8
第三章 個案簡介與模擬介紹 11
3-1. TASSE 11
3-2. 2019年7月22號案例 11
3-2-1. 雷達回波 12
3-2-2. 累積降水 12
3-3. 觀測資料 13
3-3-1. 雷達資料 13
1. RCWF 13
2. RCMD 14
3. TEAM-R 14
4. RCTP 15
3-3-2. 地面測站資料 16
3-3-3. Storm tracker 16
3-4. IBM-VDRAS設定 16
3-4-1. 連續窗區vs分散窗區 17
3-4-2. 背景場 & 雷達資料 17
3-4-3. 同化實驗 17
第四章 IBM_VDRAS同化結果校驗 19
4-1-1. 溫度 19
4-1-2. 水氣 20
4-2. 雷達回波 21
4-3. 累計降水 22
第五章 個案分析 23
5-1. 綜觀分析 23
5-2. 初始階段 24
5-3. 發展階段 26
5-4. 成熟階段 29
5-5. 消散階段 32
5-6. Q1,Q2分析 33
第六章 總結 34
6-1. 結論 34
6-2. 未來展望 36
參考資料 37
附表 40
附圖 42
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指導教授 廖宇慶(Yu-Chieng Liou) 審核日期 2021-1-26
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