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姓名 謝宇涵(Yu-Han Hsieh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 戴著面具的真心:主管領導風格、員工態度與顧客感知服務真誠度之研究
★ 工作滿足、領導行為、工作特性與人格特質對離職傾向之探討-以超大型會計師事務所審計人員為例★ 以組織診斷模型診斷企業組織層級架構-以某公司為例
★ 科技產業組織診斷與分析之研究-以Q公司為例★ 製造業推行六標準差的成功關鍵因素探討
★ 高職辦理輪調式建教班對學校經營績效之評估-以北區私立高職為例★ 本國商業銀行經營績效之探討-資料包絡分析法之應用
★ 台灣中小企業 創業動機與創業績效關係之研究★ 員工當責與真誠領導之關聯性-以心理賦權與團隊凝聚力為中介變數
★ 以個人與環境適配為關鍵中介探討特定品牌領導對員工品牌權益之影響★ 道德感讓你買更多綠色產品?從消費者產品知覺價格及品質角度來探討—以綠色程度做調節
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★ 中小企業之組織診斷與分析-以A公司為例★ 高科技產業人力資源發展與組織績效之研究-以新竹科學園區為例
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摘要(中) 本研究試圖回答:「員工在主管不同的領導風格之下展現的員工態度對顧客感知服務真誠度的是否具有影響?」本研究整合了過去研究文獻,建立的研究模型跨及組織、員工以及顧客三個層次,探討在不同的領導風格之下,員工展現的工作行為以及服務態度對顧客感知服務真誠度的影響。本研究採用階層線性模型進行跨層次的分析,以29家台灣知名服務業作為研究對象,問卷共計發放650份,有效問卷數為474份(包括員工問卷235份及顧客問卷239份),有效問卷回收率達72.92%。
摘要(英) This study aims for investigating if the attitude of employees under difference leadership styles indeed influences the sincereness feeling of customers. By collating previous study, this paper developed the research model throughout three-level, organization, employee and customer levels, investigating the influence of employees′ working behavior and servicing attitude on customers’ perceived service provider’s authenticity under different supervisor leadership styles. The present study adopts hierarchical liner modeling to assess the hypotheses. 650 surveys were distributed, and a total of 474 valid samples were retrieved from 29 famous service industry in Taiwan (employee sample size: 235; customer sample size: 239; a valid response rate of 72.9%).
According to the viewpoints and recommendations of previous studies, our study divides the research framework into organization, employee and customer levels. The first part explores the impact of different supervisory styles on employees′ working attitudes and emotions. The second part discusses the result of how employees’ working attitude and emotions influence the actions employees’ take while servicing customers. The third part reveals the impact of employees′ attitude and emotional expression on customer perceived service provider’s authenticity. Outcomes above show that the supervisor′s leadership styles indeed affect the emotional attitude and behavior of each employee. The emotional attitude behavior of employees at work has a great impact on the emotional attitude of employees while serving customers; The employees’ emotional attitude towards customer service has an influence on the customer perceived service provider’s authenticity.
The contribution of this study is divided into four parts. Firstly, at the organizational level, this study expands and integrates relevant studies on leadership styles to show how leaders with different leadership styles influence employees with different organization values, thus reform employees′ inauthenticity behaviors at work. Secondly, at the employees’ level, this study moves away from the variables that previous employees′ behavior focused on their work attitude performance, incorporates insincere behavior or impression management behavior, and explorations of the impact between employees’ behavior to customers. Thirdly, the framework of this study spans across levels to the customer levels and contributes to the fields of customer perceptions of service experiences, and focus on the importance of service attitude on customer perceived service provider’s authenticity.Last but not the least, when it comes to methodology, this study is different from previous studies because of the relationship between single level variables and adopts hierarchical linear model to conduct cross-level analysis, so as to make accurate measurement and evaluate the relationship between behavior performance of organizations, employees and customers.
關鍵字(中) ★ 交易型領導
★ 轉換型領導
★ 表面從眾
★ 逢迎行為
★ 表層演出
★ 員工真誠性
★ 顧客感知服務真誠性
★ 階層線性模型
關鍵字(英) ★ Transactional Leadership
★ Transformational Leadership
★ Facade of Conformity
★ Ingratiation
★ Surface Acting
★ Authenticity
★ Perceived Service Provider’s Authenticity
★ Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM)
論文目次 目錄
摘要 I
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究目的與研究架構 1
1-3 研究價值與預期貢獻 5
二、文獻探討與研究假設 6
2-1領導力與領導風格 6
2-1-1領導力 6
2-1-2交易型領導 6
2-1-3轉換型領導 8
2-2資源保存理論 10
2-3表面從眾 11
2-4逢迎行為 13
2-5交易型領導與表面從眾及逢迎行為 14
2-6轉換型領導與表面從眾及逢迎行為 16
2-7表層演出 19
2-8員工真誠性 21
2-9顧客感知服務真誠性 23
三、研究方法 26
3-1研究對象與樣本發放 26
3-2問卷設計 27
3-3變項衡量方式 28
3-3-1交易型領導 28
3-3-2轉換型領導 29
3-3-3表面從眾 31
3-3-4逢迎行為 31
3-3-5表層演出 33
3-3-6員工真誠性 34
3-3-7顧客感知服務真誠性 34
3-4控制變數 36
3-5分析方法 38
3-5-1敘述性統計與相關分析 38
3-5-2因素分析 38
3-5-3信度分析 39
3-5-4效度分析 39
3-5-5共同方法變異控制 40
3-5-6變數之組內與組間變異成份分析 40
3-5-7階層線性模型分析 41
四、資料分析 42
4-1敘述性統計 42
4-2相關分析 46
4-3信度分析 46
4-4建構效度分析 49
4-4-1收斂效度 49
4-4-2區別效度 52
4-5變數之組內與組間變異成份分析 53
4-6共同方法變異分析 54
4-7研究假設分析結果 54
4-7-1 表層演出與員工真誠性之虛無模型 54
4-7-2 組織層次之「交易型領導」對員工層次之「表面從眾」行為之關係 55
4-7-3 組織層次之「交易型領導」對員工層次之「逢迎行為」之關係 56
4-7-4 組織層次之「轉換型領導」對員工層次之「表面從眾」行為之關係 57
4-7-5 組織層次之「轉換型領導」對員工層次之「逢迎行為」之關係 58
4-7-6 員工的「表面從眾」行為對員工的「表層演出」行為之關係 58
4-7-7 員工的「逢迎行為」對員工的「表層演出」行為之關係 59
4-7-8 員工的「表面從眾」行為對員工的「真誠性」之關係 60
4-7-9 員工的「逢迎行為」對員工的「真誠性」行為之關係 60
4-7-10 顧客感知服務真誠性之虛無模型 63
4-7-11 員工層次之「員工真誠性」對顧客層次的「顧客感知服務真誠性」行為之關係 64
4-7-12 員工層次之「表層演出」行為對顧客層次「顧客感知服務真誠性」行為之關係 64
五、結論與建議 67
5-1研究結果與研究意涵 67
5-1-1主管領導風格行為對員工態度行為表現之影響 68
5-1-1-1主管的交易型領導風格行為對員工表面從眾行為之影響 69
5-1-1-2主管的交易型領導風格行為對員工的逢迎行為之影響 70
5-1-1-3主管的轉換型領導風格行為對員工的表面從眾行為之影響 71
5-1-1-4主管的轉換型領導風格行為對員工逢迎行為之影響 71
5-1-2員工工作行為表現對顧客服務態度之影響 72
5-1-2-1員工表面從眾行為對員工的表層演出行為與員工真誠性之影響 73
5-1-2-2員工逢迎行為對員工的表層演出行為與員工真誠性之影響 74
5-1-3員工展現的顧客服務態度對顧客感之服務真誠性之影響 75
5-1-3-1員工真誠性對顧客感知服務真誠性之影響 75
5-1-3-2員工表層演出行為對顧客感知服務真誠性之影響 76
5-2實務管理意涵 78
5-3研究限制與後續研究建議 80
參考文獻 82
附錄一 員工問卷 94
附錄二 顧客問卷 100
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