博碩士論文 110226007 詳細資訊

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姓名 鄭百翔(Pai-Hsang Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 非球面波前量測之對位方式研究
★ 中小型光學鏡組之高密度全場波前量測★ 使用液晶空間光線調制器之相移式光柵-十字狹縫量測裝置
★ 全像場同時取像像差量測★ 單頻位移與傾角量測干涉儀
★ 廣角物鏡之相對照度探討及其設計應用★ 新型零後焦長太陽能集光器的設計
★ 相移式干涉儀之系統校正及量測軟體的撰寫★ 非球面干涉儀之離軸對心校正
★ 高數值孔徑顯微物鏡設計★ Double Zernike Polynomial 校準光學系統
★ 薄型化光展量疊加太陽能集光器★ A Similarity-Guided Spots Sorting Method to Increase the Dynamic Range of a Shack Hartmann Sensor
★ 雷射微型投影機波前量測技術★ 旋轉掃描式非球面干涉儀之演算法開發及應用
★ 校準低敏型Shack-Hartmann波前感測器★ 利用Slanted-edge方法以及相位回復演算法量測光學系統的成像像差
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摘要(中) 隨時代日新月異,小型鏡片因市場需求,往越來越多且越來越廣的方向發展,但要想全檢測小型鏡片且同時到高速且準確地量測,目前市面上檢測機器都難以做到。本實驗室先前有開發自動化波前檢測設備儀器,其目的為快速而又高通量來解決需要大量檢測小型鏡片的需求。其優勢為單一顆鏡片的一個量測週期只需在十秒內,再者非接觸式量測的架構,能使鏡片壽命大大提升,即便是檢測完的鏡片依舊可以實裝在光學元件上使用。
摘要(英) With the increasing market demand for small lens applications, small lens manufacturing technology is becoming more sophisticated and widespread. However, it is difficult for current inspection machines to fully inspect small lenses and measure them with both high speed and accuracy. Our laboratory has developed a high-speed, high-throughput automated wavefront aberration measurement system, the purpose of which is to quickly fulfill the detection needs for a large number of small lenses. Its advantage is that the measurement cycle of a single lens only needs to be within 10 seconds, and the non-contact measurement structure can greatly improve the service life of the lens. Even the tested lens can still be mounted on an optical element for use.
Corresponding to the high-speed and high-throughput testing of this instrument, it is necessary to know where the measurement accuracy range of the lens to be tested falls within the entire measurement system. Therefore, this experiment is aimed at the measurement system architecture. The step of aligning the measurement position of the test lens and the subsequent repeated measurement of taking and placing will both cause errors in the conjugate position distance measured on the axis, which will affect the measurement. The power error item of lens measurement should be summarized.
關鍵字(中) ★ 非球面波前 關鍵字(英)
論文目次 目錄
Abstract iii
致謝………………………………. iv
目錄.. v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-3 研究動機 5
二、 研究內容及方法 7
2-1 光學理論 7
2-1-1 Seidel 像差多項式 7
2-1-2 Zernike像差多項式 9
2-1-3 造鏡者方程式 11
2-2 Shack – Hartmann波前檢測器 15
2-2-1 量測原理介紹 15
2-2-2 光點指派(Spot Assignment)演算法 17
2-2-3 光點質心計算法 18
2-2-4 焦點位置絕對量測 19
2-2-5 波前重建 21
三、 實驗方法 23
3-1 實驗架構 23
3-1-1 Shack – Hartmann波前檢測器硬體架構 23
3-2 量測系統校正流程 25
3-3 系統誤差 25
3-3-1 WFS平面 26
3-3-2 Lens平面 28
3-3-3 Lens取放 30
四、 實驗分析 31
4-1 重複量測對位實驗 31
4-1-1 WFS平面隨機誤差 31
4-1-2 Flange定位隨機誤差 32
4-1-3 取放的隨機誤差 34
4-2 共軛位置的影響 37
4-2-1 4f位置 37
4-2-2 共軛位置1 39
4-2-3 共軛位置2 41
五、 結論 44
參考文獻 45
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指導教授 梁肇文 審核日期 2023-8-16
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