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姓名 曾培鈞(PEI-CHUN TSENG)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 塑膠微粒對紅外光吸收響應之模擬與量測分析
(Simulation and Measurement Analysis of Microplastics Response to Infrared Light Absorption)
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摘要(中) 本研究就塑膠微粒對紅外線之吸收響應進行模擬與量測,希望能找出塑膠微粒在特定波段下,對紅外線穿透光強之影響。期望本研究能對可檢測塑膠微粒之傳感器的設計帶來幫助,並期待未來可以設計出該傳感器。
  實驗結果顯示,當塑膠微粒的數量高達1000個時,對穿透光強的改變量約為11 %,而若是塑膠微粒浸泡於水中時,對穿透光的改變量則會增加至23 %,而使用ASAP進行模擬時,同樣的架構下,對最後的穿透光的改變量則是26 %左右,與實驗結果非常相近。
摘要(英) This study focuses on simulating and measuring the absorption response of microplastics to infrared radiation within specific wavelength ranges. During the measurement process, we set up an infrared light source, a collimating lens, and a focusing lens first. Then put the cuvette containing the liquid to be tested on the platform. After the light passes through the sample and focuses onto the detector, the voltage is recorded and analyzed by using a computer instrument control program. Simultaneously, an optical simulation software, ASAP, is used to simulate the optical configuration. By inputting optical parameters of materials at various wavelengths into ASAP, the influence of microplastics on the transmission intensity of infrared light is simulated and compared with the experimental results. In addition, Beer-Lambert law is utilized to calculate the theoretical absorption values, aiming to identify the differences between the simulated and theoretical values.
Based on the simulation results, it is observed that as the quantity of microplastics increases, the intensity of transmitted light decreases, and exhibits a linear relationship. When the number of particles remains constant, the radiant flux at different wavelengths show low correlation with the transmission and absorption coefficients of microplastics. This means that the spectral absorption of microplastics cannot be discerned with the current optical configuration.
The experimental results demonstrate that when the number of microplastics is 1000, the change in transmitted light intensity is approximately 11%. When microplastics are immersed in water, the change in transmitted light intensity increases to 23%. The result from ASAP simulation shows the change in transmitted light intensity around 26%, which closely aligns with the experimental result.
This study has identified the absorption response of microplastics to infrared radiation under a specific optical configuration. It is hoped that the data from this research can be applied to the development of sensors for microplastics detection.
關鍵字(中) ★ 塑膠微粒
★ 紅外線
論文目次 摘要 vi
Abstract viii
致謝 x
目錄 xi
圖目錄 xv
表目錄 xix
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 2
1-3 文獻回顧 3
第二章 研究背景 5
2-1 塑膠微粒 5
2-1-1 塑膠微粒的檢驗方法 5
2-1-2 塑膠微粒的組成與型態 7
2-2 紅外線 9
2-2-1 紅外線與黑體輻射 9
2-2-2 分子鍵結與紅外線之關係 10
2-2-3 紅外線光譜 12
2-3 光學模擬軟體ASAP 16
第三章 研究方法與步驟 19
3-1 系統架構 19
3-2 系統設備 21
3-2-1 紅外線光源 22
3-2-2 鏡片 23
3-2-3 比色槽 23
3-2-4 偵測器 24
3-2-5 儀控程式 25
3-3 實驗溶液 27
3-3-1 塑膠微粒尺寸 27
3-3-2 實驗溶液調配 27
3-4 ASAP模擬 28
3-4-1 光源 33
3-4-2 樣品 34
第四章 實驗結果與分析討論 35
4-1 實驗一 塑膠微粒對紅外線之吸收響應模擬 35
4-2 實驗二 量測不同重量塑膠微粒對紅外線之吸收響應 52
4-2-1 量測粒子重量0、0.35、0.7、1.05、1.4 g的吸收電壓 54
4-2-2 量測粒子數量300、500、700、1000個的吸收電壓 56
4-3 實驗三 量測不同濃度塑膠微粒對紅外線之吸收響應 59
4-4 比較塑膠微粒在水中與空氣中對紅外線之吸收響應差異 62
4-5 比較模擬與實驗結果中塑膠微粒對紅外線之吸收響應差異 64
第五章 結論與未來展望 66
5-1 結論 66
5-2 未來展望 67
參考文獻 70 
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指導教授 陳怡君(YI-CHUN CHEN) 審核日期 2023-8-16
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