由於近年來南北桃園乾旱頻繁而分別有休耕、減供等限水措施,因此乾旱管理及水資源的調配在乾旱期間就顯得格外重要,故本研究將在文中分析桃園地區的用水狀況,將南北桃園各別需水量求出後,再以乾季為研究時段並比較其未來可能之缺水風險。 本研究以目前供水能力模擬乾旱時期,於未來民國95、100、105、110年的不同需水條件下南北桃園之缺水風險,結果顯示因乾旱導致水資源不足時,北桃園缺水風險將低於南桃園。 另模擬民國100年後板新淨水場因大漢溪水源南調工程完工,板新淨水場支援北桃園可達30萬CMD水量時,北桃園在移用灌溉用水後缺水率可得到有效控制,且可略為改善南桃園缺水情形。若乾旱時期板新支援量僅20萬CMD時,則在民國105年後,北桃園仍然會發生缺水危機。 若容許民國100年後,北桃園以10%、20%、30%缺水率分擔南桃園缺水情形,結果顯示南桃園之缺水率僅有小幅降低,在北桃園缺水率提高至30%時,南桃園缺水率改善情形仍然不佳,使南桃園缺水風險仍高於北桃園。 Drought are frequently occurred at recently years in Taoyuan county, resulted in the fallows, reduces and following restricted water supplies. Therefore the managements of water resource become an important issue especially in the droughts. The usages of water in Taoyuan are investigated firstly, and demands in the north and south Taoyuan are defined separately. The studies focus on the dry season, and make comparative analysis of risks of water shortage. In this study, the present Taoyuan water supply system are used to evaluate the risk of water shortage as different demands in 2006, 2011 ,2016, and 2021. The results show that the risk of water shortage in south Taoyuan is more critical compared to the north Taoyuan when droughts caused. Then the study assumed that Panhsin water purification work can support north Taoyuan 300000 CMD after 2011. The deficit rate of water in north Taoyuan area can be effectively controlled and the water shortage condition of south Taoyuan area is slightly improve given the case that agricultural use. On the conditions of Panhsin water purification work only provide 200000 CMD during dry period, north Taoyuan areas still face the water shortage crisis after 2016. Allowing deficit rate of water in north Taoyuan area are increased to the 10%, 20%, and 30%, the water shortage in south Taoyuan can be slightly improved. However, even the deficit rate of water in north Taoyuan area raise to 30%, the deficit rate of water are still lower compared to the south Taoyuan.