Abstract: | 行人在交通環境中向來處於弱勢族群,而學童於步行上下學途中,曝露於危險的交通環境,於行人族群中屬於弱勢中的弱勢。根據教育部校園安全暨災害防救通報處理中心91年1月至94年9月各級學校死亡人數統計顯示,各級學校因意外而導致死亡之事件佔所有死亡事件的95%,而交通意外死亡事件又占所有意外死亡事件的45%,可見學童於交通安全課題中之重要性。 本研究引用旅次起點與旅次迄點間存在空間阻抗因素( Impedance )之概念,針對步行上下學之學童,構建路口或路段安全評估模式,進而藉由地理資訊系統軟體的強大空間分析功能,利用ESRI (Environmental System Research Institute,Inc.) 公司ArcView 為發展平台,以台北市1/1000 數值地形圖為基礎構建路網圖,引進台北市門牌位址資料庫、內政部警政署92、93年度交通事故等資料,設計一完整的學童步行上下學安全路線決策支援系統,提供人性化簡易操作介面,依據個人需求,產生個人化或家戶化之安全步行上下學路線。 本研究提供之系統功能,以「家-學校旅次」為主,使用者僅需輸入旅次起點與旅次迄點,即可透過路網分析,產生學童安全步行上下學路線或最短路線,其結果以空間展示,並輔以文字敘述路線導引內容,讓使用者對於系統建議路線能夠清楚而易於了解。 Pedestrian are disadvantaged minority in traffic. Particularly, the pupils expose to the dangerous traffic environment. According to the statistical data from Campus Security Report Center, there are 45% fatal traffic accidents of all accidents in Jan. 2002 to Sep. 2005. Thus, pupils’ traffic safety is an important issue. The study construct model of safety assessment that base on the concept of impedance between the O-D pair for the pupil going and leaving to school on feet. This study adopts the GIS software (ArcView) by its special analytical function. Based on the 1/1000 digital map and address database in Taipei and historical traffic accident data from NPA. The study creates decision support system for searching safe route to school on feet and provides friendly interface for users. Users can be the pupils, their family or other relative personnel. The safe route which created by the system are home-school trip. Users search safest or shortest route to school just by input their address and school name. Users can clearly recognize the special route and descriptive guidance. |