對於道路養護的問題,近年來僅針對施工方法或材料進行改進,但對於養護制度流程所產生的問題並未詳加探討,因此本研究引進目前國外對於道路資產管理的觀念,評估現行養護制度有所不足之處,因分析發現國內因缺乏以績效為基礎的養護制度,造成對於整體養護成效監控不佳,無法有效掌握養護資訊等後續問題,故必須建立績效評估制度,讓道路養護成效的以客觀具體化展現。在養護績效評估方面,本研究納入平衡計分卡的觀念並加以修正採用相關績效指標,經由主觀權重與客觀權重的結果獲得可明確區分平地工務段與山區工務段之間的養護績效評估方式。 在國外研究當中多認為委外辦理相關業務可有效提昇養護效率與成果,因此對委外養護問題亦進行探討,因問卷調查發現目前的養護法規限制委外養護的發展,因此有必要修改相干法規內容與建立廠商績效評估制度,讓委外養護成果不至於失去其本意。 除整體養護績效可採用本研究發展之養護績效評估指標之外,另對於道路養護決策方法的改善進行探討,發現利用De Novo規劃方法所穫得的成果相較於傳統決策方法來說較佳,因此養護決策方法的改進有助於道路養護績效的提昇。 For the road maintenance problems, most research only focus on construction process developing or improve material in recent years, but they didn't discuss detail of maintenance institution problem. This research has used the concept of asset management to evaluate the maintenance institution. After analysis, road management agency didn't have the performance based in maintenance management system, so it has some problem that the performance in maintenance monitoring is not good or the information can not control. It must establish a performance evaluating system to understand what the agency’s disadvantage. In maintenance performance evaluating system, it use the concept of balance score card and some relative performance index, through subjective and objective weight modify to built a evaluation model sorting the performance in level ground section and mountain section. Outsourcing in some study has more advantage, for example, improving maintenance efficiency, budget cost-down. For this question, through questionary survey to finding our regulations limit the outsourcing development. So if government want to has the benefit in outsourcing, it need to do some regulation modify and establish contractor performance evaluating system. Except whole maintenance performance, these researches try to improve the road maintenance decision method. After compare several method, the De Novo programming is better than conventional decision method. So the road management agency can use this model to improve the maintenance result.