本文目的為探討鋼筋混凝土樓房結構在不同特性的地震力作用下,結構物梁柱桿件之受損行為與梁柱接頭部分之非線性反應,並 研究加裝位移型增效式阻尼裝置,對樓房最大樓樓層相對位移與樓層剪力之改善。 研究內容分三部分,第一部份為鋼筋混凝土樓房結構承受地震 加速度歷時記錄之非線性歷時反應分析。第二部分為加裝位移型增效式阻尼裝置於鋼筋混凝土樓房結構之地震反應分析。由結構物之反應,可以瞭解阻尼器消之能減震控制效果,以及鋼筋混凝土桿件之受損數量與程度。第三部分為探討阻尼器之強度折減係數與其降伏後勁度對減震控制效果之影響。又分別使用kinematic模式與 Taketa模式模擬鋼筋混凝土樑、之柱非線性行為,以瞭解不同模擬之模式對分析結果之影響。 研究成果顯示: (1) 非線性歷時分析可以有效表現出不同特性之地震力作用下,結構物所產生不同之受損狀態。 (2) 經地震歷時分析結果顯示,加裝位移型增效式阻尼裝置於鋼筋混凝土樓房結構,能藉由阻尼器之消能作用,有效降低結構物各樓層最大相對位移比與各樓層剪力,使得結構物受損情形減輕,故可使大部分桿件保持在彈性範圍,達到減震之目的。 (3) 在近斷層地震力作用下,鋼筋混凝土樓房架設位移型增效式阻尼裝置,可以有效地控制其樓層相對位移比,但對樓層剪力的降低效果有限。 (4) 適當的選取阻尼器強度折減係數與其降伏後勁度,可以獲得較佳的結構減震效果。 (5) 使用kinematic模式與 Taketa模式模擬鋼筋混凝土樑、之柱非線性行為,兩者所得分析結果相當接近,但因勁度衰減特性不同,後者位移反應較前者稍高。 The objective of the present study is to investigate the nonlinear responses and the damage state of the RC building to the ground motions. In addition, the effectiveness of the vibration reductions in terms of the maximum story drifts and the story shear force for a RC building with displacement-depended type damping system is also analyzed numerically. The contents of the studies are(1)the analysis of the nonlinear responses of a RC building to the earthquake records,(2)the analysis of nonlinear responses and the damages states of a RC building with the displacement-depended type efficiency-enhanced damping system to earthquakes and(3)the influence on nonlinear responses due to the different values of the strength reduction coefficient and the post-yielding stiffness of the damping system used. Furthermore, the effect of two models of different nonlinear characteristics, kinematic model and Taketa model, on structural responses is also analyzed. It is found that(1)the results of the nonlinear analysis present the unique damage conditions under the different types of earthquakes,(2)the maximum story drifts and shear in columns could effectively be reduced by using D-type damping systems, (3)the maximum story drifts could be reduced effectively but the maximum story shear could not be reduced effectively by using D-type damping system in the cases of the near-field earthquake excitations,(4)better quakeproof results can be achieved if proper values of the strength reduction coefficient and the post-yielding stiffness of the damping system are chosen in analysis and (5) the results of analysis are closed to each other for the kinematic model and the Taketa model. But the displacement responses resulting from the later model are a little bit larger than that of the former one.