航空公司的航機能夠安全營運倚靠的是航機的維護工作,而航機維護最核心的是航機維護計劃、可靠性計劃的完善與否,再配合維修作業規劃,三者需緊密的連結才能對安全運作有保障,在管理上的困難點在於維修作業規劃間彼此的相依程度及複雜度高,而航空公司必須分析了解過去的營運歷史,航機營運作業的問題點可提供改善的空間,除了安全運作外還須以成本收益考量,讓航機維護計劃能透過維修作業規劃,充分的計劃安排使營運順利,安全準時出航使顧客滿意。 本研究從實務綜整個案公司相關航機營運營收狀況成本資料及航機維修成本架構的觀點,分析航機整體維護計劃及可靠性計劃的執行及配合維修作業規劃的效益,提出解決方案的改善構想與改善作法,以維修作業規劃為考量起始點,以航機維護計劃及可靠性計劃為範籌,將飛航營運系統維修體系分成航機維護計劃需求及維修作業規劃與維修作業管理三大構面進行檢討分析,以作為改善作業的基礎。 因此,航機運作符合法規要求,保持最高的安全適航,及使以最小的維護成本滿足營運需求,對航機維護計劃及可靠性計劃作持續性的改善,即可得到實際的效益。 The most important factor to keep the flight safety of airplanes and economic operations is the maintenance and engineering process of airplanes. And the core techniques are divided into three dimensions as follow: a) Airplanes Maintenance Requirement Program, b) Airplanes Reliability Program, and c) Maintenance Operation Planning Program. Those dimensions should be linked up tightly to make a guarantee for the flight operational safety of airplanes and the reduction of maintenance cost for airplanes. Besides, the difficulty of the airlines management is the existence with each other of those three dimensions during the planning of maintenance operations and the high complexity. In addition, airlines should collect and analyze the history of flight operations for improvement. Furthermore, the cost profit is another important factor need to be concerned. The successful flight operation depends on the complete maintenance planning. After all, a safety flight which is on schedule will make passengers feel satisfied. From the point of view of this case study, the related flight cost structure and profit of airlines operations and maintenance is enough to analyze the benefit of executive for the requirement planning of whole maintenance for airlines, the reliability program and the coordinate maintenance operation planning for proposing the improvement plan and solution. Using the maintenance operation planning as a beginning point and the maintenance requirements planning and the reliability program as a scope to proceed the self-criticism and analysis of the maintenance systems to regard as a foundation of improvement. In conclusion, the integrated continuously airworthiness is the major mission of airlines for flight safety and compliance aviation regulation. And it is required to improve the imperfection matters consistently to reduce the maintenance operation cost.