本研究根據Nagurney et al.(2005)所提出之逆供應鏈網路均衡,將逆供應鏈網路問題建構為雙層規劃模型。上層為系統最佳化問題,在預算的限制下,以逆供應鏈網路總成本最小為目標;下層為符合Wardrop第二原則的逆供應鏈網路流量均衡問題。最後針對各層流量轉換因子提出一修正式敏感度分析之演算法進行求解。並利用測試範例證實逆供應鏈網路雙層規劃模型之正確性。 This research formulates the reverse supply chain network design problem as a bilevel model. In the upper level, the reverse supply chain network total cost is minimized subject to the budget constraint whereas in the lower level the reverse supply chain network flows are equilibrated in accordance with the Wardrop second principle. A “modified” sensitivity analysis based algorithm, with special treatment on conversion factors from one sector to the next, is proposed for solutions and demonstrated with a numerical example.