由於荷蘭銀行梵谷卡與幾米繪本週邊商品的成功,使台灣企業逐漸願意與藝術授權合作,將藝術圖像商業化成為一種產品推廣工具的行銷方式,同時隨著國內消費者生活素質提升,「日常生活美學化」潮流也自歐美蔓延至台灣,大量藝術化、獨特化的商品出現在市場上以因應現代消費者心靈上的需求,雖然藝術與商業如此的合作模式已為國內消費者廣為接受,但國內卻少有以此為主要議題的研究,為使業界在沿用藝術圖像為行銷工具時能有所準則,本研究便針對此議題,參考色彩學、商品包裝、代言人、藝術評論相關文獻後,作一深入分析。 本研究將藝術圖像取出四個變數:色系、對比、爭議性與知名度,研究這死者與消費者對產品的購買意願與對圖像本身喜好程度之關連,並選取五個干擾變數,使論述方向更完整、更貼近現實。 本研究經過分析後發現,台灣消費者普遍喜歡圖片整體對比較低,且爭議性較低的藝術圖像,所以當企業企圖以所有一般大眾為目標顧客時,建議可朝這兩個方向選擇授權的對象。若是企業的產品乃針對特定市場區推出,本研究結果顯示消費者的價值觀是影響消費者購買意願最強而有利的元素,可以考慮利用消費者價值觀將所有目標顧客分群。若企業以送禮需求為主要市場,可運用性別作為市場區隔變數。 本研究希望藉由以上的準則,企業得以最適切的成本與策略,直接運用既存藝術圖像行銷以提升產品或品牌的形象與知名度。 The success of Vincent Van Gogh credit card issued by ABN-AMRO and Gimi series products increases the possibility of cooperation between enterprise and art authorization. Commercialized artistic image could be a part of product promotion strategy. As the improvement of living standard of Taiwanese consumers, the trend of “aestheticization of everyday life” gradually appears in Taiwan. The mental need of consumers has caused the emergence of numerous artistic and unique products in market. Though the cooperation pattern between art and commerce was prevailingly accepted by domestic consumers, few of domestic researches focus on this topic. To provide the rules of adoption art image as marketing tool, this research will aim at this topic in accordance with other researches about chromatics, product wrapping, endorser, and artistic previews. Four variables are extracted from artistic image: color, contrast, controversial level, and fame to discuss their relationships among purchase intention of consumers toward products and preference extent to images. Meanwhile five interfere variables also are taken into consideration to simulate real phenomenon more precisely. The results shows artistic images with lower contrast degree and less controversial content are preferable marketing tool. The value of consumers is most influential interfere variable and an accurate market segmentation standard when choosing authorized artistic image as marketing tool. These rules will help the enterprise chooses the most effective artistic partner with most appropriate cost.