台灣為一島國,因為地形氣候之關係高溫多雨,且腹地狹小自然資源不足,且近年經濟快速成長,造成台灣地區的鋪面有「先天不良,後天失調」的情形發生,先天的條件是我們所無法克服的,但後天的努力卻是我們應該積極進行的工作,產業的發展需要消耗大量的天然資源,而發展過程中大量產出的廢棄物是否就無法再成為資源,許多研究以此一問題為出發點,研究許多廢棄資源應用在許多方面,而在鋪面工程的相關研究中,轉爐石一直是被寄予厚望的再生材料。 從過去的研究中可以了解,轉爐石可再生利用於一般密級配瀝青混凝土中,而本研究以此方向作一更深入之研究,將轉爐石添加於排水性瀝青混凝土與石膠泥瀝青混凝土中,並採用歐美近年發展的耐久性鋪面(Perpetual pavement)及高性能瀝青混凝土的觀點加以分析,由研究的成果可發現,轉爐石不論是利用於排水性瀝青混凝土或石膠泥瀝青混凝土,都能將其成效做有效的提升,特別是在抵抗車轍與表面抗滑的能力,且添加轉爐石能降低瀝青混凝土中瀝青的使用量,而使工程的成本降低;在研究的過程中亦發現台灣目前普遍使用之馬歇爾配合設計法在進行排水性瀝青混凝土配合設計時,其試體夯壓方式會使孔隙率降低,研究結果發現孔隙率降低主因在於馬歇爾試體夯壓過程中會使粒料發生降格情形,因此本研究建議未來使用馬歇爾法進行排水性瀝青配合設計時應注意級配降格所造成之影響。 In virtue of nature resources has been downwardly drain away, in order to prevent our ecological system and meanwhile to ensure the sustainable development of humanity. For the future, the materials use in pavement engineering should become more ecological and become friendly for our environment. Nowadays, the exploration of sandstones resources in our country has become complicated problem to be solved, reuse of BOF Steel Slag to displace a natural resource like aggregate on pavement engineering will be a good solution in order reducing waste industry product. Reusing BOF Steel Slag on Dense graded asphalt course (DGAC) is a good solution but the purpose of this research was to investigate the influence of BOF Steel Slag on Porous Asphalt (PA) and Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) Mix Design. The benefit using BOF Steel Slag on Perpetual Pavement that has been developed in United States and Europe recently, will effectively increasing Rutting and Skid Resistance of Pavement, reducing the amount of asphalt that used on Mix Design that will reduce the overall construction cost. The model of Mix Design that general used in Taiwan is Marshall Method of Mix Design, using this method on Porous Asphalt will effect on the reducing the Density and Voids of samples during the compaction movement. The main reason that caused the Density and Voids of the samples reduced because of during the compaction movement will cause Gap Aggregate Gradation. By the result of the research, when using Marshall Method of Mix Design on Porous Asphalt it should be consider about Gap Aggregate Gradation problem.