近年來網路基礎設備漸趨完備,配合金流與物流服務的逐漸成熟,愈來愈多的網路零售公司如雨後春筍般成立,使得網路零售市場的競爭更形激烈。網路零售公司可藉由瞭解其在產業中之相對效率為何,進而評估自己之優勢及劣勢,以擬定其競爭策略。企業之經營效率具多元性,若以單一效率指標進行評估,往往造成誤導或失真,無法呈現較多的管理訊息,因此本研究修正Seiford & Zhu(1999)之二階段資料包絡分析法以衡量全球網路零售公司之經營效率及效率變動情形。模型第一階段為獲利能力之評估,第二階段則是市場能力之評估。研究結果發現,網路零售公司的市場能力表現較獲利能力佳,但市場能力表現優異之公司獲利能力未必有較佳表現。就規模效率而言,目前大部份網路零售公司處於規模報酬遞減狀態,宜縮滅其規模以達規模經濟。就區域別來說,美國及歐洲國家以獲利能力表現較佳,日本則以市場能力表現較佳。最後,本研究以差額變數分析及敏感度分析作為績效改善之參考依據,結果發現影響網路購物業者獲利能力最重要的因素為銷管費用。 The aim of this paper in to explore the efficiency and the benchmarks of e-retailing companies in global. A company’s performance is complex phenomenon requiring more than a single criterion to characterize it. Performance literature mostly addressed profitability efficiency (activities generating more profits), ignoring marketability efficiency (activities generating more market value). This study adopts Seiford & Zhu (1999) two-stage production process to design two performance models, namely, profitability performance and marketability performance. This study provides evidence that e-retailing companies acquire relatively higher level of marketability efficiency but lower level of profitability performance. Decreasing returns to scale (DRS) are uncovered among the relatively large companies and they need to become smaller to attain scale efficiency. Results also indicate that the geographical location of e-retailing companies seems not related to either the profitability or marketability efficiency. E-retailing companies exhibit better performance on profitability in America and Europe, whereas companies tend to perform better with respect to marketability in Japan. Finally, it was found that influence the most important factor of profitability performance is Selling and Administrative Expense.