由於台灣地區土地狹窄且砂石資源有限,多年來我國政府為促進經濟建設,不斷充實各項公共建設,如高鐵、高捷以及東部快速道路的陸續興建中,以致作為工程重要材料之河川砂石料源日漸枯竭,近年來更因河川保護禁採砂石,更顯示出砂石資源之有效再利用,遂有其需要性。而瀝青混凝土路面挖(刨)除料資源再利用此工法,在許多先進國家路面工程界已普遍使用,實際執行亦達二十餘年之經驗,相關工法、設備皆已相當成熟。 台灣地區推動再生瀝青混凝土自從85年正式推動以來,相關政府部門在政策面及法令面上不遺餘力在推行,本研究將先針對台灣地區熱拌再生瀝青混凝土之推動加以說明,並藉由問卷調查了解現行熱拌再生瀝青混凝土之執行面、政策面、經濟面及落實度,做各項資料之調查,然後介紹目前行政院公共工程委員會再生認可執行的制度與桃園縣政府的評鑑制度,最後再針對審查過程中發現之缺點及需改正之處做進ㄧ步探討,希望藉由本研究的探討可以作為全國各工程主辦機關未來推動熱拌再生瀝青混凝土時參考使用。 Because of areas and sandstones recourses are finite in Taiwan,this recent years promoting economic development is the substantial goal for our government includes increasing public infrastructure construction likes:Taiwan High Speed Rail project、Kaohsiung Rapid Transit project and High Way construction in the east region of Taiwan’s island。 Sandstones materials have been an essential part from this construction,We should made a right solutions that could preserves this limited sandstones resources。Reusing this materials is one of the best solutions to preserves this resources。For an example,in pavement construction could use Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) method。For asphalt pavement engineering,this RAP method has been used in a lot of development countries with more than 21 years of experienced for this fields。 Since 1996 until this day the government of Taiwan has been advancing this Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) method in road pavement。 For this paper,basically I want to discuss about Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) according to questionnaire investigates。From these questionnaire investigates I want to know more about How to carry out and What is the best policy of this Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) technology。 I also want to introduce the executing system by Public Construction Commission, Executive Yuan applied for Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) technology and the estimating system by government of Taoyuan county for this RAP technology。I also want to discuss about what is the deficiency and need to be reform for this questionnaire investigates。 Hopefully,this paper would being a reference for applying Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) technology in the future。