透過對先進國家數位學習產業發展和推動現況的了解,以研擬台灣數位學習產業策略為主要研究目的,期望使國內數位學習產業了解競爭實力與可用資源,藉由策略來提升國內數位學習產業的國際競爭力。 本研究結合質性與量化方法,運用內容分析法及層級分析法找出影響我國數位學習產業發展的重要因素。以鑽石理論分析現階段台灣數位學習產業競爭之有利與不利的條件,再運用SWOT分析擬定數位學習產業策略。最後以策略草圖確認策略的一致性及了解政府未來配套措施的實行方向。 綜合研究結果發現,國內數位學習產業發展在市場需求和政府角色為主要因素:以企業導入數位學習的需求、教育服務業者的需求、數位學習產業市場特性、全球華語文熱潮、政府經費與資金協助以及訂定相關法規及計畫,為關鍵影響因子。首要策略為須藉由政府的經費支援和資金協助,並積極擬定數位學習相關法案及措施,在有效掌握國內數位學習市場需求及拓展海外華語文市場之下,以提昇數位學習產業整體規模,並活絡國內數位學習市場環境。 最後針對研究策略之重心和主要實行方向,提出國內企業市場應提升對數位學習的加值運用、結合產官學華語文資源以拓展全球華文市場、政府應修正法令規章以有效推動數位學習的普及性、政府應協助資金的提供以靈活業者資金周轉度等具體建議。 The research mainly aims at drafting the industrial strategies of e-learning in Taiwan by studying different newpoints and strategies in advanced countries. By understanding the usable resources and advantageous in the e-learning industry, the competition of e-learning industry in Taiwan is promoted by the strategies drafted. Qualitative and quantitative research methods are combined in this research. AHP and Content Analysis methods are applied to find factors affecting the e-learning industry development in Taiwan. The Diamond Model is used to analyze e-learning industry competitive conditions and then SWOT is also used to draft the industrial strategies of e-learning. Finally, the consistence of strategies and the mechanism of governmental objects are confirmed by strategy canvas. According to the conclusions, the key factors affecting the e-learning industry in Taiwan are the market demand and the role of government, especially the e-learning for enterprises、the demand of the educational service industries、characteristics of e-learning market、the upsurge market of Chinese languages、government budget and fund assistance、legislation and regulation. The priority strategy is that the government must assist in providing budget and reletive regulations, grasp the market demand effectively and expand the learning market of Chinese languages in order to improve the scale of e-learning industry. Finally, the suggestions are shown as follows:the added value of e-learning of the domestic enterprises should be promoted、the market of Chinese languages should be expanded by integrating resources from the industries、the government and the academia、e-learning should be promoted via legislation and regulations revised by the government、the working capital of industries should be provided and assisted by government.