摘要: | 使用化石燃料作為世界能源的主要供給已證實會對環境造成傷害、亦不符合永續發展,使用替代能源已不可避免。於各種再生能源當中,生質酒精為應用最普遍之生質燃料。本研究探討發展生質酒精之先進國家的過程與政策,以及台灣目前之現況與遭遇之問題;並藉由文獻分析歸納出影響台灣生質酒精發展之因素,以分析層級程序法建構研究之三層式架構:第一層為台灣發展生質酒精之目標、第二層為經濟、技術、環境、社會、專案與政策等六構面與第三層之24項因素,進而分析出關鍵因素及其相對重要性,提出台灣生質酒精發展的建議。 研究結果顯示,於第二層因素之評斷中,各界專家一致將「政策面因素」之權重列為第一,顯示政府在扶植新能源產業所扮演角色之重要性;而「經濟面因素」則為第二,可知傳統之成本考量仍有其重要性。「環境面因素」與「技術面因素」於排名中有較大變異、「專案面因素」與「社會面因素」則居末。第三層之關鍵因素中,「對生質酒精產業提供誘因」,可針對農場、酒精工廠、煉油廠與加油站分別施以不同之政策工具,包含補貼種植能源作物、提供低利融資、所得稅、營業稅與貨物稅之減免、低價用水用電、對酒精摻配進行補貼,與立法訂定酒精汽油之標準等。「對消費者使用酒精汽油提供優惠」,則提供價差誘因、燃料稅與牌照稅之減免。而「鼓勵休耕廢耕地種植能源作物」、「企業化集團方式經營能源作物」與「酒精工廠的生產規模」方面,則規劃適宜台灣耕地特性之酒精生產規模,發展出適合我國農業結構特性之酒精產製模式。對於「原料運輸成本」,應責成區域技術協助中心提供前處理,使原料易於運輸、加工,並且建立原料生產規範以降低「能源作物對生態環境之衝擊」。關於「訂定清潔發展機制之相關措施」,則應結合農工部門,進一步減少工業部門之二氧化碳排放量。 The consumption of finite fossil fuels as the world’s dominant energy is damaging the environment. Using alternative energy is inescapable. Bioethanol has its prospect among a variety of renewable energy. This research aims to study the course and the policy of those countries having developed bioethanol, and also the state of play and similar issues in Taiwan. By reviewing the literatures, a 3-hierarchy framework has been generated, with the 1st hierarchy, “developing bioethanol in Taiwan” as the objective, the 2nd with six dimensions, and 24 factors in the 3rd. The key factors and the corresponding policy instruments are as the following. “Incentives provided to bioethanol industry”, policy instruments are: subsidy for energy crops plantation, tax reduction, giveback for consuming water and electricity, and legislation of ethanol gasoline standard. For “Incentives provided for consuming ethanol gasoline”, incentives such as price distinction, related tax reduction should be given. As for “Incentives for energy crops plantation with fallow”, “Enterprise conduct of energy crops”, and “Production scale of ethanol plant”, scale suitable to the characteristics of Taiwan’s fields along with ethanol production mode should be considered. “Transportation cost of raw materials” can be cost down by setting up regional technic centers to offer pre-process technics, make the raw materials much easier to transport and process. And the standard of raw materials production can ease “Impact of energy crops against ecological environment”. Finally, for “Measures suited to clean development mechanism”, the industry department should cooperate with the argriculture department to further decrease the CO2 emissions. |