本文旨在針對台灣第一大民營製造業、全球第五大電子專業製造服務業(EMS, Electronic Manufacturing Service)-鴻海集團進行個案分析,利用平衡計分卡作為導航器,透過財務、顧客、內部流程以及學習與成長等四個構面,探索鴻海集團之使命、經營理念、願景以及策略圖,目的在於深入剖析鴻海集團建立其價值領域之方法及沿革。此外,在傳統會計制度面臨挑戰的時刻,本研究嘗試為企業的價值報告書提供一個嶄新的、整體性及動態性的價值報告模式。 本研究發現鴻海集團為達成使命,在願景的引導之下策略定位得宜。在長期性與整體性的策略規劃之下,該集團在財務構面上追求營收成長,平均營收年成長率高達48﹪。在顧客構面上,鴻海集團選擇世界級電腦大廠作為主要的客戶,並提供全方位的服務(Total Solution)與客戶建立長期的合作關係。在內部流程構面上,鴻海透過企業資源規劃系統(ERP)中的「全球物流追蹤系統」建立作業優勢,該績效表現在鴻海穩定增加的存貨週轉率上。2002年起,該集團企圖從「製造的鴻海」轉型成為「科技的鴻海」,創新流程及建立智慧資本(IC, Intellectual Capital)為未來發展的重點。價值領域的平衡發展是鴻海集團企圖維持競爭優勢,建立百年基業必然的轉變。 此外,本研究也發現以平衡計分卡作為導航器觀察策略流程對企業價值創造的因果關係,確實能洞察企業擴展及維續其價值領域的方法。而以平衡計分卡作為基本架構所發展出的動態價值報告模式除了保留傳統財務報告書的功能,對於探索企業價值領域的變化更具有導航的作用,讓人容易理解企業價值所在。 This case study investigates Hon Hai Precision Industry Company(HHPIC), the largest nationwide private manufacturer and the fifth largest EMS firm in the world. It uses the balanced scorecard as a navigator to explore the mission, values, vision and strategies of the company. The purpose is to distill the way by which HHPIC has been building its value space. The findings of this study are as follows. First, in order to pursue the mission and fulfill the vision, HHPIC developed its long-term, integrated, and strategic planning. HHPIC created its strong value space step by step through increasing market shares by creating customer value, improving internal processes to satisfy customer demands, and continuously accumulating intellectual capital to sustain its competitive advantage. Second, the balanced scorecard proves to be an effective tool in observing the impact of cause-effect relationship among strategic processes upon the creation and sustenance of an enterprise’s value space.