科技蓬勃發展,環境快速變遷,企業必須妥善內部整合以爭取優勢地位。企業資源規劃 (Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP)是企業在競爭激烈的環境,希望藉由資訊科技的協助之下,整合企業內部的資訊和有限的資源,以取得競爭優勢並進而達成企業目標,因應顧客需求快速變化潮流的產物。近年有關資訊系統導入成功與否的文獻,多數以使用者滿意度以及意願為依據,其中又以「期望確認理論」 (Expectation Confirmation Theory) 為大宗。然而,雖然期望確認理論能有效地量測使用者的滿意及意願,卻鮮少有研究將使用者工作的特性進行深入地考量,對於實務的管理只能帶來有限的幫助。本研究所針對的 ERP系統,這類系統與工作有十分緊密的關聯,因此希望能藉由「任務/科技配適理論」中的構面來擴充原有期望確認理論,選出適合應用於 ERP系統的構面:「即時性」、「可靠性」,並探討各概念間的關係為何。此外,也盼能提供未來相關的研究新的思考面向。 本研究以台灣區近一年導入或更新 ERP系統之企業為對象,以問卷發放的方式收集資料,之後利用結構方程模式 (SEM)進行分析,結果顯示「即時性」與「可靠性」會對「確認程度」造成正向影響,進而影響「有用性認知」、「滿意度」,以及「持續使用意願」。如此,系統管理者應該盡可能地使資訊系統配合工作所需,提升使用者的持續意願,才是成功推動 ERP系統的關鍵。 Assessing the effectiveness or success of information systems has long been identified as one of the most critical issues of IS management. Among various assessments of IS success, user satisfaction or intention is one of the most widely used measures. A large amount of research which has been done in the past on measurement of user satisfaction was using the Expectation Confirmation Theory (ECT ) approach. However, while ECT approach has the capability to assess user satisfaction and intention, it fail to capture other job-critical factors, that is, it does not take job characteristics or technology (IS) functionalities into consideration. In this research, we propose an integrated conceptual model based on Task-Technology Fit (TTF) and ECT, using SEM to verify the relationship between each construct, and attempt to give some implications for managerial practices. Empirical data for hypotheses testing were collected via a survey. Mailing list of company using ERP system was obtained from SAP and Oracle Taiwan. The result shows that two constructs in TTF do have significant effect to Confirmation, namely Timeliness and Reliability. These two constructs will further influence user’s Satisfaction and Continuance Intention.