觀光產業已經成為全球熱門的重點發展產業之一,我國現也積極的發展觀光相關產業,希望能吸引更多觀光客來台,提振經濟發展。觀光旅遊對於國人已經成為不可或缺的休閒活動,而自助旅行的旅遊方式越來越被國人所接受,成為國人前往國內外旅行的主流。 本研究透過動機、人格特質對自助旅行者知覺價值,以及知覺價值對滿意度及重遊意願的影響,瞭解影響自助旅行者重遊意願的重要因素。並以涉入性的高低不同區分,觀察可能造成的影響。研究以網路問卷的方式收集樣本資料,回收335份有效問卷,經過分析後得到以下研究結果。 全體樣本下本研究的假設皆為成立,故可以推論各變數之間有因果關係存在。在分為高低涉入性的兩群樣本下,研究假設不完全成立,但結果可知涉入程度不同將使變數間關係產生變化。 由研究結果可知,自助旅行者動機、人格特質將對知覺價值有正向影響,知覺價值對滿意度、滿意度對重遊意願也具有正向影響。而在高低涉入群體的分析中,研究發現低涉入群體在變數之間的正向影響性,幾乎都高於高涉入的群體。 We have recognized the importance of tourism industrial.According to UNWTO's Tourism 2020 Vision forecasts that international arrivals are expected to reach nearly 1.6 billion by the year 2020. Of these worldwide arrivals in 2020, 1.2 billion will be intraregional and 378 million will be long-haul travellers. The tourism industrial is one of the most important industrial in the world.More and more people go to The primary objectives of this study were to investigate the relationships among travel motivation, personality , perceived value,satisfaction and revisit intention of backpackers.This research’s sample are those who go backpacking. The total sample amount is 335.Clustering them according to their involvement. Involvement of backpacking are classified into high and low two groups. This research finds motive and personality has positive influence on backpacker’s perceived value.Perceived value has positive influence on backpacker’s satisification and backpacker’s satisification has positive influence on revisit.