經營模式是由許多經營活動所共同組成,Michael Porter認為,成功的企業之所以具有競爭優勢,原因在於企業的經營模式中,所執行的每一個活動固然重要,但優秀企業的策略會涉及一整套系統的活動,而不只是把個別活動彙整在一起。因此,本研究企圖將各研究整理成有整體效能的活動子系統,進一步組合不同性能的子系統以發展出更能契合環境變動的整體經營模式。 即使各研究都了解經營活動之間契合的重要性,但現階段仍缺少對經營模式活動之間契合程度的衡量基準。因此,本研究經由探討經營模式個別活動影響力的相關理論,幫助了解何謂經營模式中重要的活動,並嘗試發展衡量整體活動網路契合程度的方法,討論整體活動網路結構的契合度,及其代表的意義。 隨後根據這些理論發展出符合經營模式活動網路的分析方法,篩選出經營模式活動網路中的關鍵活動,將其進行模組化,建構經營模式之核心模組,發展出具有紮根基礎的經營模式活動系統理論,一方面希望能讓經營模式當中的元件都有紮根案例支持,並且納入相關的學理理論賦予這些模組活動系統全新的理論意涵;最後,以這些發展出來的模組主題做為改善基礎,提供個案公司經營模式的改善方向,並探討企業在執行改善方案後,企業整體活動網路契合程度之變化。 A business model is composed of many operational activities. Michael Porter thought that successful enterprises keep their competitive advantages, because they understand not only the importance of every single activity they implemented but also the interdependence of every operational activity. Therefore, this research intends to integrate all activity subsystems with different themes to develop a integral business model which conforms with the change of the environment. Even if researches mentioned the importance of fitness between operational activities, nowadays, there is no criterion to measure the fitness degree between operational activities. Therefore, this research tries to understand the important operational activities in a business model by some theories which mentioned the influence of each individual activity, then, develop a method which measures the fitness degree of integral activities networks. Finally, we will discuss the fitness degree of integral activities networks and the meanings. This research develops some methods to sift the critical operational activities from the activity networks, then, modulate them to construct core modules of the business model. We would assign new theoretical meanings to these core modules. Finally, based on the core modules we developed, it provides enterprises suggestions of the business model and discusses the change of the fitness degree of integral activity networks after executing the improving suggestions.