本論文首先說明資產配置概論,並討論從事資產配置之具體步驟與方法,而後分析資產類別及其配置比例。作者就現金等同、固定收益、股票、不動產及另類投資五大資產類分別概述,並分析在國內銀行熱賣的結構型商品所歸屬的類別,指出將結構型商品錯誤的分類及錯誤的資產配置觀念,為造成結構型商品銷售爭議的源頭。 作者再就股票、不動產及另類投資這三類資產類別中,羅列出ETFs、REITs、結構型商品及其他另類投資等相關投資商品進行研討。探究資產配置之重要步驟-挑選合適的理財商品,明確的瞭解商品的屬性並認清自己的投資需求,對於投資理財欲進行之資產配置將會產生重大的影響。 最後藉由列舉出一檔結構型商品並進行實證研究。整理出台灣人最熟悉的另類投資-結構型商品在資產配置上的應用,所可能衍生之問題。就國內發展財富管理之挑戰與契機做一簡單整理,並藉此研究對結構型商品在我國之發展與應如何適切規範、監理提出相關建言,期能作為我國未來發展財富管理與結構型商品之參考。 This essay will first give an outline on asset allocation and its procedure and method. Then, the sorting and allocation ratio of the asset will be analyzed. Cash/savings, fixed profits, stock, real estate and alternative investments will also be discussed. The conclusion is that popular structured notes should belong to alternative investment. The wrong sorting of the structured notes and the misconception of the asset allocation are the sources of the marketing dispute of the structured notes. Next, ETFS, REITs, structured notes and other alternative investments related commodities from stock, real estates and alternative investments will be discussed. The focus will be on the important process of assets allocation: how to select appropriate investment commodities. Finally, a case study on one particular structured note will be presented. It shows possible problems caused by applying structured notes, a familiar alternative investment by Taiwanese people, on asset allocation. The challenge and opportunity on developing asset management in Taiwan will also be discussed. Suggestions on how structured notes should be developed and how to regulate and monitor the development will be given in the conclusion.