科技的進步,總是帶給人們生活上無限的想像。以前出門在外,總是有無限卡在身上,提錢的提款卡、付錢的信用卡、搭車的悠遊卡、便利商店的電子錢包...等,再加上一支無法放進皮夾內的手機。現在,NFC科技將困擾事解決了,除了整合了所有的卡片功能及手機通訊通能外,還可以下載音樂或最新的商店優惠券,並且可以點對點傳送,將優惠分享給他人。 2007年底,台灣地區共有四十二間銀行,但只有五間發卡銀行分別與電信業者合作,經營這一塊市場。本研究對台灣地區信用卡收單、發卡系統及NFC手機交易系統進行探討,就系統的架構以及交易的流程,提出在現有信用卡系統下,導入NFC手機信用卡交易的方式。並且就交易過程中,可能發生的安全威脅,提出對策。透過本研究的整理,期望可以給未進入NFC手機信用卡市場的信用卡單位,了解台灣地區NFC信用卡手機的市場狀況、安全性以及建置系統的方法建議。 Near field communications (NFC) is a standard short range wireless technology, and is now being used in mobile phones and an increasing range of consumer applications. NFC can be used for a number of tasks, from payment, ticketing, sharing information between two mobile devices to exploring new services. This paper analyzes the acquirer system and issuer system, and also discusses the contactless credit card payment security issues of using the NFC credit card phone. Five acquirer banks of 42 in Taiwan by the end of 2007 have built up NFC credit card system. Hoping the research result can provide the banks building NFC credit card system some suggestions for implementation.