摘要: | 隨著科技的進步,網路購物的通路成長率不斷攀升,目前已有購物網站提供多媒體展示及虛擬線上店員的產品諮詢服務。為了加強消費者的感受,網路零售商應發揮網路互動之特性,讓消費者感覺仿若置身於擬真的情境之中。根據科技產業情報分析與諮詢顧問公司 IDC (2000) 研究調查指出,在線上購物中,消費者在選定好商品以後,放棄完成交易的比例高達 70 %,其原因在於消費者缺乏互動的接觸,這也是線上購物不如實體店面的缺點。 因此,本研究透過相關文獻回顧。針對線上購買環境,探討在高度社交性 (具有虛擬形象與語音合成技術營造的線上購買環境) 與在低度社交性 (只有純文字及圖片展示的線上購買環境) 兩種不同程度的社交性,如何影響消費者的知覺以及其後續的消費行為。本研究參照並整合 Baker 等人 (2007) 、Hassanein 等人 (2007) 及 Qiu & Benbasat (2005) 所提出之模型:觀察網站社交性對於消費者內心感受到的愉悅感與身如其境的臨場感間之關係。同時,本研究歸納多位學者 (Bauer & Neumann, 2005; Holzwarth, Janiszewski & Neumann, 2006; Song & Fiore, 2007) 提出的消費者行為反應,主要分為消費者對產品的態度、購買意圖和信任,因此本研究亦接續探討,消費者知覺的愉悅感與臨場感對於其對產品的態度、購買意圖和信任間的關係是否具有影響力。 本研究選擇學生為研究對象,透過實驗設計,以網路問卷為媒介,共回收260份問卷,有效問卷計有249份,使用AMOS進行結構方程式模型驗證,得到路徑分析的實證結果為:(1) 網站社交性對於消費者知覺愉悅感及臨場感具有正向顯著的影響;(2) 愉悅感對於「消費者對產品的態度」、「購買意圖」以及「消費者的信任」具有正向顯著的影響;(3) 臨場感對於「消費者對產品的態度」、「購買意圖」以及「消費者的信任」具有正向顯著的影響。 As technology evolves, so do online shopping channels. Nowadays some online shopping websites provide multimedia presentations and product information present by virtual clerks. In order to enhance consumer's sensations. Online retailers should benefit from interactivity of Internet for placing consumers in vividly virtual reality, according to a research of International Data Corporation in 2000, the rate of consumers cancel a transaction after making a choice to buy is higher than 70%. Consumers tend to withdraw potential purchases due to absence of interactive contacts. Thus, the study reviewed literature about online shopping environment. Discussed how high sociability (Environment with avatar and Text-To-Speech voice technology) and low sociability (Environment with pure text and graph display) affect consumer perception and following behaviors. This research have conformed and referred models presented by Baker et al. (2007), Hassanein et al. (2007) and Qiu & Benbasat (2005), and observed relationship among consumer's pleasure, telepresence and website sociability. Meanwhile the study have inducted numerous scholars (Bauer & Neumann, 2005; Holzwarth, Janiszewski & Neumann, 2006; Song & Fiore, 2007) for consumers self reaction which categorized attitude toward the product, purchase intention and trust. Therefore the study has also discussed whether consumers perception and telepresence affect product attitude toward the product, purchase intention and trust. This study has selected students as research subject. Through experimental design combined website questionnaire generated total 260 questionnaires which includes 249 effective questionnaires. Resulted a significant hypothesized paths of empirical result by using AMOS conducting a structural estimation model validation. The findings are: 1. Pleasure has positive effects on telepresence. 2. Pleasure has positive effects on attitude toward the product, purchase intention and trust 3. Telepresence has positive effects on attitude toward the product, purchase intention and trust |