資訊部門在企業中的角色隨著企業 e 化的重要性與日俱增,透過績效評估的方式促使資訊部門充分地發揮功能,已成為企業管理之重要課題。本研究利用平衡計分卡(BSC)的四個構面做為發展架構,以某企業資訊部門為對象,參考前人研究及管理者之意見,選擇出適合程式設計人員使用的關鍵績效指標(KPI),再利用層級分析法(AHP)找出各構面間以及指標間之權重。最後再將個案資訊部門既有之工作評核項目重新分配至各績效指標做為評量標準。 經過上述步驟,可以更客觀的方式找出關鍵績效指標及其權重;沿用既有工作評核項目的做法也可減少新制度推動之阻力。本研究結果可做為資訊部門組織變革及績效評估之參考依據。 E-Business has become a major trend for all corporations in the world, thus, the IT divisions within the companies play a crucial role in maintaining the functionality of the companies. It has already become a very important issue for enterprise management to utilize the IT division to its full potential via “Performance Appraisal” methodology. Based on the four perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), this research aims at finding the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the programmers in the IT division of a certain enterprise. These indexed are collected by consulting the managers and surveying related Indicators used in previous research. In addition, using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), the relative weights between the four perspectives and the indexes could be obtained. Then, the original evaluation items in job performance assessment are linked to different KPIs so that the values of these KPIs could be determined through these already existing items. This work has two advantages. First, the proposed methodology can obtain the KPIs and determine their weights and values more objevtively. Second, by linking the KPIs to the original evaluation items in job performance assessment, it is ecpected that the resistance to implementation can be alleviated. The results of this study could be used as the reference in doing “Organization Change” and “Performance Measurement”.