論文提要及內容: 雖然台灣的電子產業在過去的十年內十分蓬勃發展,但由於2000年美國的Dot-Com商機泡沫化,以及911事件的衝擊全球經濟,台灣的電子產業無可避免的遭遇到嚴峻的考驗,每一家廠商都採取了相應的措施來應對這個局面。例如有些廠商採取垂直整合;有些只好將生產線加速轉移到中國來降低人工成本。 本篇論文係針對國內一家掃瞄器廠商,以學習自日系電子產業的生產模式在台灣採用單元製造系統之個案探討。 藉著這個個案來了解單元製造模式在台灣產業轉型之際能提供何種的利益與助力,並試著分享其實施的經驗。 The Taiwanese industry has been experiencing the stringent global challenge since the dot-com bubble burst in year 2000 and slowed down the global economy. Though the electronic industry has been the prominent sector of the past ten years’ growth in the Taiwanese economy, inevitably it suffered from the slow economy too. In order to cope with the harsh environment, Taiwanese industry has been undergoing some improvement to reduce the cost or improve the efficiency. There have been many measures used in the industry to pursue the goal. The study will focus on an image scanner supplier who introduced the manufacturing model widely used by Japanese electronic industry, Cellular Manufacturing (or Cell Manufacturing) into its production line. The study would like to identify the benefit of the Cell Manufacturing approach over the traditional conveyor type assembly layout and try to share the experience of implementation.