企業與企業資源規劃系統(Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP)之間的配適性(fit)是資訊系統建置專案成功的評估依據之一。配適性問題源自於ERP套裝軟體分開了開發階段與建置階段,雖然達到資訊系統使用的經濟規模、累積產業技能而提高系統建置的學習曲線效果,卻因ERP套裝軟體提供不同的企業組織相同的標準解決方案,而提高系統建置失敗的風險。台灣的企業在亞洲經濟、社會與文化的薰陶下,面對歐美競爭發展出高度彈性、快速反應的核心競爭力。雖然本土的軟體供應廠商最貼近國內實際產業狀況、也應當最能設計出最符合台灣企業需求的ERP 套裝軟體,但根據ERP 產業市場調查,國內大型企業仍多採用國外軟體供應廠商所開發的ERP套裝軟體。 本研究試圖比較ERP系統在不同的來源屬性與企業需求的配適性差異,個案對象為國內已建置ERP系統的十家企業,依Soh等(2000)的七項配適性為研究主軸,以訪談與問卷調查配適性的實際現象並分析之。研究結果發現國外ERP套裝軟體與本土ERP套裝軟體在ERP系統與企業需求的配適性表現上無明顯差異。其次,採用客製方式開發ERP系統的配適性情形較ERP套裝軟體良好,惟客製開發方案的個案只有兩家,故此研究發現推論時應特別小心。 透過探討影響ERP系統配適性之因素,本研究提供企業在建置ERP系統時的評估參考,並建議ERP系統建置專案應首重建置目標之設定與建置方案之評估。 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems can implement by two schemes. One is totally customizing ERP systems to fit the enterprise needs. The other is adopting ERP packages, which are separated design and implementation phases, to supply the diverse enterprises with a generic solution. ERP packages bring economy benefit, but the misfit between the enterprises and ERP packages may be worse and enlarge the project failure risk. The economy, society, and culture bring Asia enterprises unique competency against the West. Compared with the ERP package vendors abroad, the local ERP providers ought to realize the precise demand of Taiwan enterprises. This study attempts to identify the misfit between the Taiwan enterprises and ERP systems which implement by different schemes. By means of case study, this study discusses ten companies with the seven misfit items which is promoted by Soh et al. (2000). The research finds that the fit competency of the foreign ERP packages does not differ from the local ERP packages, so the Taiwan enterprises can adopt foreign ERP packages to fit the organization demand. This research also indicates that the fit would be influenced by the selection of program, so project estimating and selecting phase is the first issue when enterprises implement the fittest ERP.