剛性路面具有較高的穩定性,使用壽命較長及維修少等優點,唯設計及施工技術性較高,而國內在此方面的技術起步較晚,致北二高(國三線)剛性路面在通車後不久,就陸續有民眾對平整度質疑,養護工程人員也同時檢測到版塊的高低差,除了影響行車舒適度外,更威脅到高速行車的安全性。 本研究乃針對國內首次出現的剛性路面平整及安全性改善問題,先蒐集國外剛性路面破壞形態及維修方法,並詳細探討國外慣用的剛性路面刨磨工法(Diamond Grinding)的實施時機;再以實施的實況資料,介紹國內引進的刨磨工法,並於刨磨工法實施前後對路面平坦度和抗滑安全性進行檢測,以探討刨磨工法的實施成效。研究結果顯示採用較緻密刨齒的精刨工法(Fine Milling),可用來微幅修正路面的平整度或抗滑性,在剛性路面與柔性路面皆可適用,是相當經濟的路面維修法;國內剛性路面的平整度問題,以此種刨磨工法加以改善的結果,顯示IRI值可由約4.0m/km降至2.0m/km以下,有效地提昇平坦度;經刨磨後的混凝土版,呈縱向的楞花布紋路,巨觀紋理深度平均達0.76mm,全尺吋鎖輪式抗滑儀測得的抗滑數SN值皆達40以上,具有高速行駛所需的抗滑性。 刨磨工法是剛性鋪面修復法中的重要一環,雖只針對鋪面的功能性進行改善,但在結構性修復工作完成後,也都會實施刨磨工法以確保整段路面的平坦度與抗滑性,本研究建議對刨磨後混凝土版的紋理及抗滑性進行長時間的觀察,以確認刨磨效果的耐久性。 Concrete pavement provides higher stability, durability, and needs less maintenance. However, it takes more technical skills on designing and operation. In Taiwan, the technical skills are adopted a little later, so, a little while after the Second North Freeway opened, some civilians questioned the smoothness of Concrete pavement. The maintenance worker also found the height difference between faults of the pavements, which affects the comfort of driving and threatens the safety of high-speed driving. This research discusses how to improve the safety and smoothness of Concrete pavement. First, the proper timing of operation of Diamond Grinding of Concrete pavement in other countries was examined in detail. Second, the author introduces Diamond Grinding according the actual situation of operation. There are tests on the surface smoothness and the safety of friction before and after Diamond Grinding. The results show that the using of Fine Milling can modify the smoothness and friction of CP. FM can be used on both Concrete and Flexible pavements. It is also an economical way of road maintenance. In Taiwan, the smoothness of Concrete pavement can be improved by Fine Milling . The results show that there is a reduction of IRI from about 4.0m/km to 2.0m/km or lower, thus effectively raises the smoothness of Concrete pavement . The grinding concrete surface with a longitudinal corduroy texture. Macro-Texture depth of 0.76mm will get more than 40 SN under the whole-size Lock-wheel mode. Diamond Grinding is an important factor of Concrete pavement maintenance. Although it improves the function of the pavement, Diamond Grinding can secure the smoothness and friction of the whole section after the completion of maintenance of Concrete pavement . Finally, this research suggests that after Diamond Grinding , long-term strength of the texture and friction should be observed to secure the durability of the effectiveness of Diamond Grinding .