本文是以異向性磁敏電阻(Anisotropic Magneto-Resistive)感測器為基礎,設計一個具有環境適應性的磁場感測平台,本平台具有16位元的資料解析度(16 bit data resolution)以及10kHz的取樣頻率(Sampling frequency up to 10kHz),足以準確分析磁場環境。 透過設定本平台各種參數;如放大率、準位補償、磁場補償等, 可以將平台應用在各種不同強度的磁場環境中,且仍以最高解析度量取全幅(Full Scale)訊號。 並在實驗章節展示探空火箭六號-回收艙酬載磁力計的校正結果,與本平台的各種補償訊號測試。 We implement a three dimensional magnetic sensing system, based on Anisotropic Magneto-Resistive sensors on this platform. This platform also include Gain-control, Offset-control and internal magnetic compensate. Configure these elements to adapt different environment. Such that, we can get a Full-scale signal output even variant signal input. This platform will output with 16 bits resolution AD data, and 10 kHz data rate. In chapter 5th, we present the magnetometer ,in the RECOVERY SYSTEM payload, Sounding Rockets VI project, calibrate result. And some experiments on this platform.