摘要: | 本論文利用經過長期使用與驗證的有限元專業軟體ABAQUS、ANSYS和MARC分析三個製程上的問題。其一為三層金屬複合板外型修整對降低殘留應力之效果,其應力來源是由於複合三明治金屬板中的材料具有不同的線膨脹係數,當材料由高溫冷卻到室溫時,因外層金屬線膨脹係數較中間層大,中間層承受撕裂張應力而造成其破壞。經分析發現以週邊全斜切角度60°之效果最好,其最大應力為無任何切角時最大應力之20.11%。另外,週邊切斜邊角度60°後順著斜角在複合板角上再加切半徑3 mm圓角時,其最大應力並不小於週邊切斜邊角度60°的最大應力。其二為異向導電膜(Anisotropic Conductive Film, ACF)結合成型過程起始壓縮量對導電性之影響,ACF結合成型後導電顆粒與導電襯墊的接觸面積是決定導電性的最重要因素。我們分析不同的顆粒起始壓縮量,就導電性能穩定而言,起始壓縮量應大於40%則ACF的導電性能比較穩定。此外,樹脂球鍍鎳的導電顆粒比較容易順應外力而變形,且變形後有回彈的力量確保導電顆粒能與導電電極緊密的接合,這是樹脂球鍍鎳層導電顆粒取代鎳導電顆粒的主要原因。其三為等通道彎角擠製(Equal Channel Angular Extrusion, ECAE)製程參數分析,我們探討擠製的角度、內外二邊轉角圓弧的大小和摩擦係數等ECAE模具上影響擠錠應變大小及分佈狀態的參數,也針對兩道次的ECAE進行模擬。分析結果顯示,若欲應變分布均勻則模具角度及摩擦係數宜大;外圓半徑及內圓半徑宜小。在二個道次方面,第一道與第二道間擠錠旋轉180˚的效果會比第一道與第二道間不旋轉的效果好。 This thesis utilized ABAQUS, ANSYS and MARC, which have been commercialized and verified for a long time, to study the mechanic issues in three manufacturing processes for metal composite plate, anisotropic conductive film (ACF) and equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE), respectively. The first issue is how to reduce the concentrated residual stress after quenching of a three-layer composite. Residual stresses exist in a three-layer laminated composite plate. When the middle layer possesses a smaller thermal expansion coefficient than the outer layers, concentrated tensile stress is created on the edges, especially at the corners of a rectangular composite plate, which attempts to peel the plate apart into two halves. Results show that full chamfering is much more effective than other cases. The higher the chamfering angle, the better the effect, while chamfering plus corner round-up does not yield further benefit. The second issue is the influence on the conductivity for an ACF by controlling the initial deformation of the conductive ball. The fillers are compressed and maintain a certain elastic capability while conducting between electrodes. Thus the extent of contact area and the shape of the fillers are important factors in determining conductivity. Results show that changing the thickness of a coated nickel layer does not clearly affect the conductivity of ACF, and the initial deformation should be greater than 40% for the stability of conductivity. The third issue is the die parameters analysis of ECAE. We have studied the parameters that affect the magnitude and distribution of the strain within the workpiece, including the die angle, the outer and inner fillet radii of the die, and the friction condition between the die and workpiece. The results reveal that larger die angle and friction coefficient with smaller outer and inner fillet radii of the die are essential for more homogenous distribution of the strain within the workpiece. In the two-pass analysis, the extrusion effect for the case of the workpiece being rotated 180˚ between two passes should be better than the counterpart without rotation. |