金屬粉末射出成形中最複雜、也最耗時的毛細吸附脫脂過程是決 定產品良窳甚巨的重要製程之一。其不僅許多缺陷容易在此製程產 生,而且也是限制整個金屬射出成形產能的主要關鍵。 在毛細脫脂的過程中,當黏結劑因毛細力脫離胚體時,流動波前 會有指狀效應的產生。因此,在各個位置和時間會有不同的飽和度值 加入影響脫脂時間的參數。本文探討飽和度對整個毛細吸附脫脂機制 的影響。以數值模擬胚體和吸附材內部之黏結劑受毛細吸附作用後, 整個脫脂過程之壓力場和飽和度的分佈,並且預測毛細吸附脫脂的時 間,再將數值結果和沒有考慮飽和度時做比較。 Wick-debinding process is the most intricate and time consuming step in metal injection molding (MIM). It is not only the source of many defects, but also the key point of the limitation in MIM process. During the removal of the binder from the compact in wick-debinding process, the fingering defect will occur on the flow front of the molten binder. Therefore, there are different saturation at each place and affect the total wick-debinding time. In this study, we discuss the influence of the saturation to wick-debinding mechanism. The numerical method is used to simulate the probability of pressure field and saturation on compact and binder by wick-debinding process, and predict the wick-debinding time. we also compare the relationship between with and without saturation effect.