金屬粉末射出成型結合了射出成型和傳統粉末冶金的優點,具有高精密度、高複雜性等優點。然而在整個製造的過程中,脫脂過程對於成品品質影響甚巨,不僅費時,更有可能造成製程的失敗。 因此本文嘗試利用數值的方法以及結合多孔性介質的理論,並且導入飽和度的概念,來模擬毛細吸附脫脂的過程,巨觀上的對二維毛細吸附脫脂進行探討,嘗試以數值模擬飽和度對整個毛細吸附脫脂機制之影響,並以數值模擬出整個脫脂過程壓力和飽和度的分佈,並且預測脫脂的時間,並將結果和沒有考慮飽和度的情形作一比較。 Metal injection molding (MIM) is a method in metallurgy that combines the benefits from both plastic molding and powder molding. Its advantages include high capacity and high accuracy. In the MIM production processes, debinding is the most important and time-consuming stage Failing in this key process always leads to the overall failure of the MIM production. To analyze the global behavior of the two-dimensional wick debinding, we apply Darcy’s law and the finite difference technique combined with the body-fitted grid generation method. The influence of the saturation on the wick-debinding mechanism is included. The numerical method is used to simulate the probability of pressure field and predict the wick-debinding time is simulated. Results with/without the consideration of saturation are also compared.