本研究以扁平管平行流冷凝器加上一噴霧裝置,用以達到熱傳增強的效果,並以開放式風洞測試冷凝器在不同噴霧量、風量及相對濕度下之鰭側性能。並將噴霧式冷凝器應用於一市售之窗型空調機上,比較空調機未噴霧、噴霧及葉片打水的能源效率比(EER)。 由測試結果得知,不管是噴霧或葉片打水都可增加系統冷凍能力使EER值提升,但只有以噴霧方式才能解決葉片打水所產生的噪音問題。 Condenser and evaporator have the largest volume and highest potential for performance improvement. The test result shows that the moisture spray enhanced condenser may effectively improve the overall air-conditioner performance. The purpose of this paper is to develop a newly designed high performance air-conditioner with a moisture sprayed condenser.