Abstract: | 本文考慮壓電材料具有機械能與電能互換特性,並應用惠斯登電橋原理,將壓電材料外接電路使其具有自我感應功能之壓電吸振器以控制矩形板之振動。 首先引用漢米爾頓定理及對薄板與壓電材料的基本假設,求出板與壓電材料偶合後之運動方程式;之後配合不同外加電路,設計出三種自感式壓電吸振器,並導出吸振器之電路方程式;最後由系統運動方程式與電路方程式並配合葛勒金近似法求出系統位移解,並將所得之數值結果加以分析討論。 Recently, piezoelectric technology has been widely applied to large numbers of industrial devices because of its versatility in both sensors and actuators. In this study, a technique which allows a single piece of piezoelectric material to concurrently sense and actuate in a closed loop system will be applied to control the vibrations of the rectangular elastic plate which is simply supported. The piezoelectric material connected to the specific elastic circuit can serve as an absorber in the dynamic system. Theoretical bases for the thin plate and piezoelectric materials are cited to derive the governing equations of the system first. In a practical implementation of the self-sensing absorbers, an electrical bridge circuit composed of inductances, resistances and capacitances is designed to measure the output signal. Circuit equations and governing equations are provided to obtain the system response. Numerical solutions show that two types of the circuits designed can be adopted for the absorbers. The main factors which influence the efficiency of the absorbers contain the area of the piezoelectric materials, the absorber resonant frequency, the damping ratio, and the feedback control gain. Simulations compared with other two control arguments, velocity feedback control and position feedback control demonstrate self-sensing absorbers will work better than the former but a little worse than the latter . |