台灣地區由於地理與地形地質之故,每年均會遭受颱風與地震等天然災害及複合災害的侵襲,造成重大傷亡及財產損失。因此,政府鑒於災害防救工作除積極要求公部門機關的努力推動外,更需要社區民眾的直接參與,現階段我國依法實際推動執行社區災害防救層級為鄉鎮市公所;惟國內一般鄉鎮市公所上至首長、下至業務主管或承辦人員對於災害防救法規的不熟稔,以及對災害的認識不足或對災害防救工作的不重視,致使社區災害防救工作的推動重重困難 。 本研究選定桃園縣2個參加內政部災害防救示範社區及桃園縣防災社區倍增計畫之34個社區,合計36處為對象,調查分析所屬鄉鎮市公所首長、業務承辦人員、消防單位、社區民眾對於社區災害防救推動過程之意見與成效。 研究結果顯示:桃園縣13鄉鎮市防災業務主管及承辦人辦理防災業務時間在一年以下者佔了90.5%,擔任災害防救人員流動性大、無法久任、對災害防救專業能力培養較困難,執行災害防救工作成效有限。而就訓練內容而言,調查受訪者認為以一年訓練一次,每次3-4小時為最適當。過半數的民眾認為防災社區教育訓練的推動應由公所主導,要求社區配合推動的方式較適合。 Taiwan frequently suffers natural disasters, such as typhoon, and earthquake, that cause heavy casualty and property damage. Disaster Prevention and Response Act states local government needs to enhance disaster prevention procedures for community. However, due to the lack of abilities and experience in promoting this operation in local government level, letter progress has been made. This study surveyed 36 communities in Taoyuan County, two from the demonstration programs initiated by the Ministry of Interior Affairs, and 34 from the Disaster Prevention Double-up Project of Taoyuan. The data collected from interviewing individuals was then analyzed. Local political leaders, operation directors, firefighting units and community residents are all in the list of interviews. Results and suggestions are summarized as references for the central and local governments. The major findings are as the followings. It is found that 90.5% of he disaster prevention service managers and the undertakers in Taoyuan County, consisting 13 villages and towns city, have the service time of handling the disaster prevention matters less than one year. The main obstacle is the inadequate in job training relating to disaster prevention. The participants suggested the training to be once a year with 3-4 hours of training time to be most suitable. The majority of general public thought that the disaster prevention education and training for community should be lead by the local government, ans assisted by communities.