本研究主要在於發展出一個安裝於建築物柱旁連接牆之鋼材消能元件,其名為三鉸式消能元件,主要是利用金屬鈑產生塑性變形來消散能量;設計理念是以雙跨式的外形呈現,在兼顧強度與韌性之下,達到較佳的消能效果,並透過試驗、分析和參數研究以確認合適的設計消能元件的強度和勁度值的參考數值,以期能夠以一便利及有效的消能方式,降低結構物在受到地震下的位移反應。 為了找出新的消能元件之各項設計參數,在實驗之後,利用SAP2000套裝軟體模擬消能元件的遲滯迴圈實驗結果,以得到消能元件的設計參數;再依照耐震設計法規設計出加裝消能元件之鋼筋混凝土結構物,以過往的地震紀錄模擬此結構物受地震力作用下的非線性行為,驗證消能元件的消能效果,並以此得到消能元件設計準則。 The purpose of using damper in a structure is to reduce the seismic response of the structure by using the energy dissipation mechanism of the damper. Among many dampers developed over the past years, a type called Added Damping and Stiffness (ADAS) device uses the steel plate as the damper. It has the X type and triangular type and was shown to have good performance in dissipating energy. It has been pointed out that the axial forced developed in the X-shape ADAS can affect its efficiency, whereas for the improved triangular type the welding qualities can affect its efficiency. This research focused on developing a new steel damper in the form of RC building structure. In this study the Three-pin steel damper has good performance in dissipating energy. It’s energy dissipation mechanism is stable with a large area of hysteresis loops, while it can eliminate the defects of the X type and the triangular type device. A 14-story RC building structure is use to demonstrate the purpose of design procedure. The three-pin steel damper will be install in this RC building structure. The effectiveness of the three-pin steel damper are verified by using static pushover analyses and nonlinear dynamic analyses.