本計畫主要目的是利用和聲搜尋法(Harmony search method, HSM)和離散拉格朗日法(Discrete Lagrangian method, DLM)的混合式高階啟發式演算法(HS-DLM)來求解桁架之拓樸與配置最佳化設計問題。本文所提出之混合搜尋法是以HSM作為全域多點搜尋的工具,主要考慮的設計變數包含拓樸、節點座標和桿件截面積等,並藉由DLM來針對桁架形狀和桿件截面變數進行局部搜尋的補強和提供處理束制函數的機制。HS-DLM混合搜尋法即在搜尋空間交互運用,藉由HS在設計空間進行跳躍式搜尋,找尋近似全域解,而DLM處理束制函數和強健的局部搜尋能力,將使HS-DLM獲得真正最佳解的機率大為增加。本文將藉由文獻中常用桁架設計例,來探討HS-DLM混合搜尋法的性能。 In this proposal, a hybrid metaheuristic algorithm. HS-DLM, is proposed to solve the topology and layout optimization problems of truss structures with stress and displacement constraints. The hybrid optimization approach proposed in this paper uses harmony search (HS) method to perform global search, while uses discrete Lagrangian method (DLM) to enhance the local search capacity of the algorithm and to repair violated constraints in the design process. The global and local optimizers work in concert to efficiently locate quality design points better that either could alone. The proposed hybrid algorithm will be applied to solve for the problems that are commonly studied in the literature. The feasibility and stability of the HS-DLM algorithm will be studied. 研究期間 : 9808 ~ 9907