摘要: | 民國97年9月辛樂克颱風過境期間,發生公路總局所轄4座橋梁斷裂落橋事件,其中位於臺中縣的后豐大橋斷落甚至造成6名民眾不幸因而身亡。此次事件引起各界對於國內既有橋梁之相關管理制度,包括橋梁的設計規範、檢測、評鑑及監測作業,乃至封橋機制等產生諸多的疑慮。依據臺灣地區橋梁管理系統的資料顯示,全台橋梁之平均橋齡已接近20年,橋梁的老劣化問題確已為鐵公路養護單位必須更為審慎處理的課題。地震加上全球氣候異常所帶來的急風驟雨,使臺灣地區部分橋梁結構安全面臨更嚴峻的考驗,短期的維修改建措施只能救急,當前既有之設計規範、工法、檢、監測技術、改善經費等確實應適時檢討以為因應。本研究旨在研擬交通部之「橋梁政策白皮書」,內容包括蒐集國內橋梁發展歷程及先進國家橋梁相關政策等資料,探討我國橋梁現況及所面臨之課題,訂定橋梁政策目標,並研擬達成政策目標之策略、措施及短中長期執行計畫。針對橋梁的全生命週期擬定長期而完整的執行目標與政策,期能使中央及地方各級橋梁主管機關在辦理橋梁相關業務時有所依循,落實橋梁安全維護工作,確保國家資源之有效利用,進而讓民眾能夠行得舒適、行得安心。Typhoon Sinlaku, struck Taiwan in September 2008, caused four bridges ruled by Directorate General of Highways crashing in this event. There were six people reported to death in the collapse of Ho-Feng Bridge, one of the four crashed bridges sit in Taichung County. Thereafter, people started to concern the suitability of design code, maintenance strategy, and even the mechanism of blocking a bridge from this tragedy. According to the database of Taiwan Bridge Management System, the average age of Taiwan’s bridge is approaching 20 years; the problem of agedness and deterioration has become an important issue to bridge maintenance departments. The weird weather these years has brought stronger wind and heavier rainfall, and also earthquake added, threatens the structural safety of Taiwan’s bridges. Some emergent repairing or rehabilitation can provide only short term solutions. It is the right time to review the existed design codes, construction methods, inspection and monitoring technologies, and the needed budget. This project is aimed to write a “White Paper of Bridge Policy” for the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. In this project, the history of Taiwan’s bridge development, bridge policies in some advanced countries, the current situation and problem for Taiwan’s bridge, setting the goals of bridge policy and determining the short-term, mid-term and long-term strategies to achieve the goals will be collected and studied. Through this project, the clear goals and complete strategies for bridge are hopefully been accomplished to provide as guidelines for central government and local governments to follow when dealing with the policies relative to bridge. The ultimate purpose is keeping all the bridges in sound, utilizing the limited resource effectively and ensuring the public transportation safety. 研究期間:9804 ~ 9812 |