汽油為汽車不可或缺之燃料,而將無水酒精摻入汽油中製成汽油酒精作為車用取代燃料已被廣泛利用。其中無水酒精為將生質材經醣解作用發酵生成生質酒精製得,但由於生質酒精皆含大量水分,再經蒸餾可製得 95.6wt% 酒精及 4.4wt% 水的共沸物。因此將此酒精-水共沸物再脫水製成無水酒精實為重要。傳統上利用共沸或萃取蒸餾製得無水酒精為一種耗能程序,而吸附分離為一種較節能程序,因此已被廣泛注意將其應用於酒精脫水。本研究擬將低於共沸組成濃度的乙醇和水混合物利用變壓吸附法提高至無水酒精純度 99.5wt%,使用高效率的吸附劑(3A 或4A 沸石等)做為吸附劑。設計各種不同的酒精脫水變壓吸附程序,並且比較不同程序的純度與回收率,選擇一個最適的程序。因為酒精和水在常壓下的沸點為 78.8℃ 和 100℃,故將研究絕熱系統與一般非恆溫系統對純度與回收率的影響。最後本研究將探討各操作變數 (如:進料壓力、吸附塔塔長、抽真空壓力、步驟時間等) 對程序的影響。Liquid fuels are indispensable to automobiles. Anhydrous ethanol blended into gasoline, which is called gasohol, is one of the most studied renewable alternates and is widely used as motor car fuel in Brazil and USA. The anhydrous ethanol is made from bio-ethanol which is fermented from biomass by hydrolysis. However, the ethanol from fermentation typically contains a lot of water. The traditional distillation can obtain 95.6wt% ethanol and 4.4wt% water, which forms an azeotrope at 78.15℃ and 1.013 bar. To obtain anhydrous ethanol from the azeotrope is an important technology. Traditional azeotropic distillation and extractive distillation to obtain anhydrous ethanol need a lot of energy. Pressure swing adsorption as a low energy consumption process has attracted attention to be applied to ethanol dehydration. The goal of this work is to find a good pressure swing adsorption (PSA) process for producing anhydrous ethanol with 99.5wt% purity among various PSA processes. Efficient adsorbents such as zeolite 3A and 4A are planned to be used in the separation of the ethanol-water azeotrope. Because boiling point of ethanol and water are 78.8℃ and 100℃, respectively. The study will discuss performance difference between general non-isotherm system and adiabatic system. Finally, the optimal operating condition is obtained by varying the operating variables, such as feed pressure, adsorber length, vacuum pressure and step time. 研究期間 : 9808 ~ 9907