本計畫期間大強子對撞機將開始運行並提供高能碰撞,我們在這個關鍵時期的工作,將包括:(1)持續維護CMS 的preshower 探測器,這是我們在硬體方面的責任;(2)我們將持續發展基礎分析工具與軟體,進行preshower 探測器的校正與準直,讓preshower 的數據可在CMS 整體分析中應用。(3)我們計畫在 CMS 數據中尋找第四代夸克的跡象。我們的重點將放在(a)b’b’->cWcW,(b)b’b’- >bZbZ, (c) b’b’->bZtW 等可能的衰變模式。我們希望在這一年內快速的建立起一個物理分析團隊,盡量在第一年的數據中獲得有用的物理結果。The project period of this proposal covers the critical year of LHC start-up. In this year, we have to perform the following three major tasks: (a) continue the maintenance and operation of the preshower detector, especially the slow control part, which is our responsibility; (b) We have to develop tools and software to perform preshower calibration and alignment, so that the preshower data can be integrated into the global physics analysis of CMS; (c) We plan to work with the NTU group in the search for the fourth generation quarks. We will focus on the following decay modes(a)b’b’->cWcW,(b)b’b’->bZbZ, (c) b’b’->bZtW. We hope to build up quickly a physics analysis team in the first year, with the goal to have some physics results with the first year’s data. 研究期間 : 9808 ~ 9907