本計畫「奈米介電質球光子晶體光學元件開發計畫」為總計畫「氣體檢測用可調式光參量振盪器近中紅外光源開發計畫」之子計畫一,目的在於提供子計畫二與子計畫三所需之超窄頻反射鏡、波長可調式反射鏡、極化反轉鈮酸鋰與光子晶體etalon。本計畫擬於計畫的第一年使用接近SiO2 奈米球折射率之介質填充SiO2 奈米球之間隙以達到低折射率反差之三維光子晶體結構,以增加奈米球之堆疊層數來增加光子晶體禁帶之反射率。我們擬以平面波展開法計算光子能隙,以符合本計畫波長之需求。本子計畫的第一年,亦擬將攙有奈米粉末之液晶分子填充於堆積好之奈米小球之間縫隙中,研究其反射率以及反射頻譜之可調性。在本子計畫的第二年,將進行的是使用奈米小球在LiNbO3 晶片上利用其排列的週期性與絕緣性,可使用液態電極對LiNbO3 晶片進行poling,其共振波長為1.550m。此技術可大幅簡化需要微奈米等級尺寸的圖形所需的傳統製作程序。並且我們亦考慮使用 inversed 結構製作於LiNbO3 上,來進行poling,以比較其優缺點。此外,此一年度將利用第一年之製程經驗,直接將SiO2 奈米小球與silica sol-gel 鋪設於Nd:YVO4 晶體。目的在於提供子計畫三之計畫所需,此元件可大幅減少雷射腔體長度,達到積體化的目的。在本子計畫的第三年,我們將利用第一年度所開發之反射鏡經驗,於玻璃基板之雙面鋪排上奈米小球,並填入SiO2 sol-gel。以製作光子晶體etalon。此元件將利用於子計畫二之結構當中This project “Study of photonic crystal devices by using dielectric microspheres” is the sub-project I of the main project entitled “Development of tunable optical parametric oscillators near- and mid-infrared light sources for gas sensing” which consists of three sub-projects. The aim of this proposal is to provide the ultra-narrow band reflector, wavelength tunable reflector, poled LiNbO3 and photonic crystal etalon for the sub-projects II and III. In the first year of the project, we plan to use the SiO2 sol-gel to fill into the void between the self-assembled microspheres to obtain a low-index-contrast three-dimensional photonic crystal as an ultra-narrow band reflector. The reflectivity of the reflector will be enhanced by increasing the number of the layers of the microspheres. We plan to use the planewave expansion method to calculate the corresponding photonic bandgap for the use in the laser system of the project. We will also fill the nanoparticle-doped liquid crystal into the void between the self-assemble microspheres to obtain a wavelength tunable reflector. In the second year of the project, we plan to deposit the microspheres on LiNbO3 to perform the poling of the crystal. The resonant frequency is 1550nm. This technique will facilitate the poling process with nano-scale patterns. We also plan to deposit the microspheres and sol-gel directly on Nd:YVO4 crystals for the sub-project III to reduce the cavity length of the laser system and to integrate the system. In the third year, we plan to use the development experience of the reflector of the first year to deposit the microspheres and sol-gel on the both sides of the slide to produce an etalon. This device will be used by the laser system of the subproject II. 研究期間 : 9808 ~ 9907